Page 39 - 12558 Drexler Builder Binder.pdf
P. 39

The stated standard is related to the   shall take such action as necessary to bring
                                 accuracy of the thermostat and not to the   the variance within the standard.
                                 standard of the room temperature.
                              3.5  Heating and cooling equipment shall be   If the heating or cooling equipment is not   None.
                                 installed and secured according to the   installed and secured per manufacturer's
                                 manufacturer's instructions and   instructions and specifications or moves
                                 specification and shall not move   excessively, the Builder shall take such
                                 excessively.                  action as necessary to properly install and
                                                               secure the equipment.
        VENTS, GRILLS &       3.6  A vent, grill or register shall operate easily   If a vent, grill or register does not operate   None.
        REGISTERS                and smoothly when applying normal   easily and smoothly when applying normal
                                 operating pressure.           pressure when adjusting, the Builder shall
                                                               repair the vent, grill or register so that it
                                                               operates with ease of use when applying
                                                               normal operating pressure.
                              3.7  A vent, grill or register shall be installed   If a vent, grill or register is not installed and   None.
                                 per the Code and manufacturer's   secured per the standard in this paragraph,
                                 instructions and specifications and shall be   the Builder shall take such action as
                                 secured to the underlying surface.    necessary to bring the variance within the
        DUCTWORK              3.8  Ductwork shall be insulated in   If ductwork is not insulated in unconditioned
                                 unconditioned areas according to Code.    areas per the Code, the Builder shall take
                                                               such action as necessary to bring the
                                                               variance within the standard.
                              3.9  Ductwork shall be secured according to   If the ductwork is not secured according to   None.
                                 the manufacturer's instructions and   the manufacturer's instructions and
                                 specifications and it shall not move   specifications or moves excessively, the
                                 excessively.                  Builder shall take such action as necessary
                                                               to bring the variance within the standard.
                              3.10 Ductwork shall be sealed and shall not   If the ductwork is not sealed, is separated   None.
                                 separate or leak in excess of the   or leaks in excess of the standards set by
                                 standards set by the Code.    the Code, the Builder shall take such action
                                                               as necessary to bring the variance within
                                                               the standard.

                                                 G.  TEN YEAR STRUCTURAL WARRANTY
                                         STANDARD                     ACTION REQUIRED                COMMENTS

                                                         1.  FOUNDATION
        SLAB FOUNDATIONS      1.1  Slab foundations should not move   If measurements and associated symptoms   The protocol and standards for
                                 differentially after they are constructed,   of distress show that a slab foundation does   evaluating slab foundations shall
                                 such that the deflection in the slab in   not meet the deflection or tilt standards  follow the "Guidelines for the
                                 excess of the standard in section 1.2   stated, the Builder will take action to restore   Evaluation and Repair of Residential
                                 below or tilt exceeds the standard in 1.3   the slab foundation to acceptable   Foundations" as published by the
                                 below AND two or more associated   performance standards.    Texas Section of the American Society
                                 systems of distress are set forth in 1.4                     of Civil Engineers (2002), hereinafter
                                 below.                                                       referred to as the "ASCE Guidelines.”
                              1.2  Overall deflection from the original                       None.
                                 construction elevations shall be no greater
                                 than the overall length over which the
                                 deflection occurs divided by 360 (L/360).
                              1.3  The slab shall not deflect after construction              None.
                                 in a tilting mode in excess of one percent
                                 from the original construction elevations
                                 resulting in actual observable physical
                                 damage to the components of the Home.
                              1.4  In addition to exceeding the standard in                   None.
                                 1.2 and 1.3 above, the Home must not
                                 have more than two associated symptom
                                 of distress, as described in Section 5 of
                                 the ASCE Guidelines, that results in actual
                                 observable physical damage to the Home.
        PIER & BEAM           1.5  A floor over pier and beam foundation shall   If a floor over pier and beam foundation   None.
        FOUNDATION               not deflect more than L/360 from its   deflects more than L/360 from its original
                                 original construction elevations and have   construction elevation and the movement
                                 that movement create actual observable   has created actual observable physical
                                 physical damage to the components of the   damage to the components of a Home
                                 Home identifiable in Section 5.3 of the   identifiable in Section 5.3 of the ASCE
                                 ASCE Guidelines.              Guidelines, THE Builder will take action to
                                                               restore the slab foundation to acceptable

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