Page 37 - 12558 Drexler Builder Binder.pdf
P. 37

attic space.                 space, the Builder shall take such action as
                                                               necessary to bring the variance within the

                                                  F. TWO YEAR SYSTEMS WARRANTY

                                         STANDARD                     ACTION REQUIRED                COMMENTS
                                                  1.  ELECTRICAL DELIVERY SYSTEMS
        ELECTRICAL WIRING     1.1  Electrical wiring installed inside the   If electrical wiring inside the Home is not   The Builder shall not be responsible
                                   Home shall be installed per the Code   functioning properly or is not installed per   for utility improvements from the
                                   and any other applicable electrical   the Code and any other applicable electrical   meter/demarcation point to the utility
                                   standards and shall function properly   standards, the Builder shall take such   poles or the transformer.
                                   from the point of demarcation, as   action as necessary to bring the wiring to
                                   determined by the respective utility.  the standard
                              1.2  Electrical wiring shall be capable of   If the electrical wiring fails to carry design   All electrical equipment shall be used
                                   carrying the designated load as set   load, the Builder shall take such action as   for the purposes and/or capacities for
                                   forth in the Code.          necessary to bring the variance within the   which it was designed and per
                                                               standard.                      manufacturer's specifications.
        ELECTRICAL PANEL,     1.3  The electrical panel and breakers shall   If the electrical panel or breakers do not   The Builder is not responsible for
        BREAKERS & FUSES           have sufficient capacity to provide   have sufficient capacity to provide electrical   electrical service interruptions caused
                                   electrical service to the Home during   service to the Home during normal   by external conditions such as power
                                   normal residential usage.   residential usage, the Builder shall take   surges, circuit overloads and electrical
                                                               such action as necessary to bring the   shorts.
                                                               variance within the standard.
                              1.4  The electrical panel and breakers shall   If a circuit breaker repeatedly trips or fuses   The Builder is not responsible for
                                   have sufficient capacity to provide   repeatedly blow under normal residential   circuit breaker trips or blown fuses that
                                   electrical service to the Home during   electric usage, the Builder shall take such  have functioned as designed to protect
                                   normal residential usage such that a   action as necessary to bring the variance   the Home from external conditions
                                   circuit breaker shall not trip and fuses   within the standard.  such as power surges, circuit
                                   shall not blow repeatedly under normal                     overloads and shorts.
                                   residential electric usage.
        ELECTRIC OUTLETS WITH   1.5  Electrical outlets with ground fault   If ground fault interrupters trip repeatedly   The Owner shall not plug appliances
        GROUND FAULT               interrupters shall be installed and   under normal residential usage, the Builder   that require constant electrical flow,
        INTERRUPTERS               operate per the Code and    shall take such action as necessary to   such as refrigerators and freezers, into
                                   manufacturer's specifications.    ensure that the electrical outlets with   an outlet with a ground fault
                                                               ground fault interrupters are installed per   interrupter.
                                                               the Code and manufacturer's instructions
                                                               and specifications and that they operate
                                                               properly during normal residential electrical
        FIXTURES, OUTLETS,    1.6  An outlet, doorbell or switch shall be   If an outlet, doorbell or switch is not   None.
        DOORBELLS & SWITCHES       installed per the manufacturer's   installed per the manufacturer's
                                   specifications and the Code and shall   specifications and the Code or does not
                                   operate properly when installed per the   operate properly when so installed, the
                                   manufacturer's specifications and the   Builder shall take such action as necessary
                                   Code.                       to bring the variance within the standard.
                              1.7  A fixture, electrical box or trim plate shall   If a fixture, electrical box or trim plate is not   None.
                                  be installed per the Code and   installed per the Code and manufacturer's
                                  manufacturer's specifications and shall be   specifications or is not properly secured to
                                  properly secured to the supporting   the supporting surface, Builder shall take
                                  surface.                     such action as necessary to bring the
                                                               variance within the standard.
                              1.8  A light shall not dim, flicker or burn out   If a light or a lighting circuit fails to meet the   None.
                                   repeatedly under normal     standards, the Builder shall take such
                                   circumstances.  A lighting circuit shall   action as necessary to bring the variance
                                   meet the Code.              within the standard.
        WIRING OUTLETS FOR    1.9  Wiring or outlets for cable television,   If wiring or outlets for cable television,   A Builder is not responsible for the
        CABLE TELEVISION,          telephone, ethernet or other services   telephone, ethernet or other services are   failure of wiring or other utility service
        TELEPHONE, ETHERNET,       shall be installed per the Code and any   not installed per the Code or any applicable   connectors or conduits that begin
        OR OTHER SERVICES          applicable manufacturer's   manufacturer's specifications, the Builder   before the point at which the service
                                   specifications.             shall take such action as necessary to bring   enters the Home.
                                                               the variance within the standard.
                              1.10  Wiring or outlets for cable television,   If wiring or outlets for cable television,   A Builder is not responsible for the
                                   telephone, ethernet or other services   telephone, ethernet or other services are   failure of wiring or other utility service
                                   inside the Home or on the Home side of   not functioning, the Builder shall take such   connectors or conduits that begin
                                   the meter/demarcation point shall   action as necessary to bring the variance   before the point at which the service
                                   function properly when installed per the   within the standard set forth in paragraph   enters the Home.
                                   standard.                   (2) of this subsection.
                                                   2.  PLUMBING DELIVERY SYSTEMS
        WATER & GAS PIPES,    2.1  Pipes shall be installed and insulated per   If a water pipe bursts, the Builder shall take   The Owner is responsible for
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