Page 34 - 12558 Drexler Builder Binder.pdf
P. 34

16.3 A hammer mark on trim shall not be visible   If the interior trim fails to meet the standard,   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                  from a distance of six feet or more when   the Builder shall take such action as   will be finished or touched up to match
                                  viewed in normal light.      necessary to bring the variance within the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               standard.                      practical.
                              16.4 A nail or nail hole in interior trim shall not   If the interior trim fails to meet the standard,   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                  be visible from a distance of six feet or   the Builder shall take such action as   will be finished or touched up to match
                                  more when viewed in normal light.    necessary to bring the variance within the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               standard.                      practical.
        SHELVING              16.5 Shelving, rods and end supports shall be   If the closet rods, shelving or end supports   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                  installed per the measurements stated in   fail to meet the standard, the Builder shall   will be finished or touched up to match
                                  this subsection.  The length of a closet rod   take such action as necessary to bring the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                  shall not be shorter than the actual   variance within the standard.  practical.
                                  distance between the end supports in an
                                  amount equal to or exceeding  of an inch
                                  and shall be supported by stud-mounted
                                  brackets no more than four feet apart.
                                  The length of a shelf shall not be shorter
                                  than the actual distance between the
                                  supporting walls by an amount equal to or
                                  exceeding  of an inch and shall be
                                  supported by stud-mounted brackets no
                                  more than four feet apart.  End supports
                                  shall be securely mounted.
        CABINET DOORS         16.6 Cabinet doors shall open and close with   If the cabinet doors fail to meet the   Some warping, cupping, bowing or
                                  reasonable ease.  Cabinet doors shall be   standard, the Builder shall take such action   twisting is normally caused by surface
                                  even and shall not warp more than  inch   as necessary to bring the variance within   temperature and humidity changes.
                                  when measured from the face to the point   the standard.    Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                  of the furthermost point of the door or                     will be finished or touched up to match
                                  drawer front when closed.                                   the surrounding area as closely as
                                             17.  MIRRORS, INTERIOR GLASS & SHOWER DOORS
        MIRRORS, INTERIOR     17.1 A mirror, interior glass or shower door   If a mirror, interior glass, shower door,   None.
        GLASS & SHOWER            shall not be loose and shall be securely   fixture or component fails to meet the
        DOORS                     mounted or attached to the supporting   standard, the Builder shall take such action
                                  surface.  Fixtures, such as towel bars or   as necessary to bring the variance within
                                  door handles, shall be securely mounted.    the standard.
                              17.2 A mirror, interior glass or shower door   If a mirror, interior glass or shower door fails   None.
                                  shall not be damaged due to construction   to meet the standard, the Builder shall take
                                  activities.                  such action as necessary to bring the
                                                               variance within the standard.
                              17.3 A shower door shall not leak    If a shower door fails to meet the standard,   None.
                                                               the Builder shall take such action as
                                                               necessary to bring the variance within the
                              17.4 Imperfections in a mirror or shower door   If a mirror or shower door fails to meet the   None.
                                  shall not be visible from a distance of two   standard, the Builder shall take such action
                                  feet or more when viewed in normal light.    as necessary to bring the variance within
                                                               the standard.
                              17.5 When opening and closing, a shower door   If a shower door fails to meet the standard,   None.
                                  shall operate easily and smoothly without  the Builder shall take such action as
                                  requiring excessive pressure.    necessary to bring the variance within the
                                                    18.  HARDWARE & IRONWORK
        HARDWARE              18.1 Hardware finishes shall not be tarnished,   If the hardware finish fails to meet the   The Builder is not responsible for
                                  blemished, corroded or stained due to   standard, the Builder shall take such action   tarnished, blemished, or stained
                                  construction activities, unless the finish is   as necessary to bring the variance within   hardware finishes that have been
                                  installed as a specialty feature.  the standard.            damaged by factors that are beyond
                                                                                              the manufacturer's or the Builder's
                                                                                              control such as the Owner's use of
                                                                                              abrasive pads or cleaners, harsh
                                                                                              chemicals, alcohol, organic solvents or
                                                                                              deterioration caused by exposure to
                                                                                              outdoor elements such as salt air or
                              18.2 Hardware shall function properly, without   If hardware fails to meet the standard, the   None.
                                  catching binding or requiring excessive   Builder shall take such action as necessary
                                  force to operate.            to bring the variance within the standard.
                              18.3 Hardware shall not be scratched, chipped,   If hardware fails to meet the standard, the  None.
                                  cracked or dented due to construction   Builder shall take such action as necessary
                                  activities.                  to bring the variance within the standard.
                              18.4 Hardware shall be installed securely and   If hardware fails to meet the standard, the   The Owner shall not exert excessive

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