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Recalling previous encounters, he Vegas for a few days to promote who doesn’t have Down’s.’
added: ‘There was Jackie - she was himself as an actor so who knows,
a sexy bird, she was gorgeous. She he might get lucky over there. She said she would love to be a
gave me four kisses. When he gets back home I’ve lined grandmother. ‘I would also love it
up a few dating agencies for him if Otto got a girlfriend pregnant.
‘Then there was Sarah. We had a to join. I always encourage him to It’s another experience everyone
crazy snog together. It was a few go to nightclubs and other places else goes through so why not him?’
months ago. I’m still waiting for where people pick up women.
her to call me back.’ She acknowledged that this was
‘I have brought Otto up to relate to certain to cause controversy and
Miss Baxter would be ‘delighted’ everybody so he has always been said: ‘I know if he did get someone
if Otto brought a woman back to to mainstream school and mixed pregnant everyone would have an
their house for sex. opinion on it.’
with everybody. I would like to
‘I don’t have a problem with any see him with a girlfriend. I would Miss Baxter also hopes that her
of it,’ she said. ‘He’s going to Las prefer to see him with a girlfriend eldest adopted son will eventually
Karla Vanessa Perez, Mexican Woman, Reportedly
‘Will anyone sleep with my Down’s syndrome Pregnant With 9 Babies
son?’ Mother makes appeal for a lover for MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican woman is preg- State-owned news agency Notimex also reported the
21-year-old Otto nant with nine babies - six girls and three boys - the pregnancy, saying Perez was due to give birth on May
country’s main broadcaster Televisa reported on 20.
Thursday night.
Like most mothers Lucy Baxter ‘Why should these people be kept ‘I would have no problem paying “It’s very early to think of names for the babies,” Perez
wants her child to live a fully separate and pigeon-holed when for Otto to go to Amsterdam to visit The woman was identified as Karla Vanessa Perez told Notimex. “First I hope that everything goes well.”
rounded life - including the experi- they have the same emotions, a brothel if that’s what he wanted. of the northeastern state of Coahuila, which borders
ence of a physical relationship and desires and feelings as so-called Texas. She is currently being treated at a hospital in The successful delivery of nonuplets would be one of
even finding love. normal people? ‘A few of his friends suggested it a the state capital Saltillo, the broadcaster said in the the highest multiple births ever recorded.
few months ago and since then I’ve report.
But her 21-year-old son Otto has ‘If he doesn’t get a girlfriend, I will talked to Otto about it in an adult In 2009, a woman in California gave birth to octuplets,
Down’s syndrome and has had feel really bad, because I have sold way. Why shouldn’t he enjoy the Perez, whose age was not given, had fertility treat- sparking worldwide media attention.
trouble finding a partner. him this thing that he is like every- same experiences as other men?’ ment leading to the multiple pregnancy, it said.
body else. That’s why I’m working
So she is appealing for women to overtime to get this sorted for him.’ Otto is an aspiring actor who has
come forward so Otto can ‘enjoy appeared in local stage versions
the same experiences as other men Miss Baxter from Abingdon, Ox- of Macbeth and The Canterbury
his age’. fordshire is single and has never Tales.
married but has three other ad-
She says she is even prepared to go opted sons - James, 27, Titus, 14, He persuaded his mother to help
so far as to pay for a prostitute for and Raphael, seven. They all have him find a partner after three
her adopted son. years without success.
Down’s syndrome.
Miss Baxter, 50, also hopes he may She has already helped James to set He says his ideal woman is televi-
one day become a father - despite up a page on a social networking sion and radio presenter Fearne
the controversy this may attract. website to invite potential partners Cotton.
‘Society has a learning disabil- to come forward for him. He added: ‘I’m on a mission to find
ity when it comes to Down’s syn- ‘I’d like all my boys to find love and a girlfriend. My reason is I want
drome,’ she said. to have sex. I’m looking for girl-
enjoy sex,’ she said.
friends everywhere.’
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