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Family: 911 calls show shooting of black teen was Sanford police Sgt. David Morgen- “He would be the last to discrimi- No man is allowed
stern said the department stands nate for any reason whatsoever
not self-defense by its investigation but welcomes ...,” the letter says. “The media por- FACT to make love to his
wife with the smell
help from any outside agency. FBI trayal of George as a racist could of garlic, onions, or sardines
SANFORD, Fla. -- Calls made to po- around looking at homes. The case has been turned over to agent David Couvertier said the not be further from the truth.” on his breath in Alexandria,
lice show that a black teenager was the State Attorney’s Office, which agency has been in contact with Minnesota. If his wife so requests,
terrified as he tried to get away “These a-------. They always get can decide whether to file charges Sanford police and is monitoring law mandates that he must brush
from the white neighborhood away,” Zimmerman said on a 911 or present evidence to agrand jury. the case. his teeth.
watch volunteer who shot him, call. “We are committed to having
and that the volunteer was not de- He has said he acted in self- Trayvon Martin’s family said they somebody review this to see if we
fending himself as he has claimed, defense, but Martin’s family said will continue pushing for charges made a mistake,” said Sanford
the teen’s family told The Associ- they are now more convinced than to be filed against Zimmerman. Mayor Jeff Triplett. “If we made
ated Press on Saturday. ever that Zimmerman should be “We’re hoping this doesn’t happen missteps and there is something
charged in the shooting. Several again to another family, and that there, we will act accordingly.”
Sanford police released eight 911
calls late Friday. The neighborhood of the 911 calls made by neighbors America opens their eyes ... even Several Sanford residents who
watch volunteer, George Zimmer- describe some sort of scuffle or though this won’t bring spoke to The Associated Press
man, tells a dispatcher in the first fight outside, someone yelling for Trayvon back, we don’t want there Friday said they think there would
call that he is following 17-year-old help and a gunshot. to be another Trayvon,” Tracy have been an arrest already if the
Trayvon Martin. “(Zimmerman) was chasing him, Martin said. shooter had been black and the de-
he was following him, and my son ceased had been white. They said
He says Martin is running, but the Moments after Zimmerman’s first She Fed Me Rat Salad
dispatcher tells him not to follow was afraid,” Sybrina Fulton, Tray- call, dispatchers were bombarded blacks and whites in this city of
the teen. von Martin’s mother, told the AP. by seven 911 calls from frantic 53,000 residents were pretty much “She fed me Rat Salad” ….that is walls of my old apartment when I
in agreement that an injustice had
“How can you claim self-defense “He didn’t know who this stranger neighbors describing a fight be- been done with no one arrested, what my child-spawn is about to was 24.
and you are the aggressor?” Tracy was.” tween two men, screaming and and that there was no racial divide tell you if his smart-azz keeps re- 2 large handfuls mildew-withered
Martin, Trayvon Martin’s father, Tracy Martin said the calls paint a then a gunshot. in how the case is being perceived. questing it for dinner. spring mix
told the AP on Saturday. stark picture of what were his son’s “There is somebody screaming The city is 57 percent white and 30 This is true, people. 1 rotten antelope egg, finely chopped
final moments. ”He was yelling for outside,” one female caller said, percent black.
Zimmerman had called police to The daycare lady is supposedly 1/4 cup slimy carrot shavings
report a suspicious person walking help, and no one could help him. as an unknown male voice can be It has a median household income feeding Greedy Kid #3 Rat Salad
through the gated community. He He saw his life being taken away heard crying in the background. of almost $42,000. for lunch. And now he wants me to 1 tbsp rancid Parmesan dust
has said he shot the teen in self-de- from him,” Tracy Martin said. Then a shot is heard. make it at home. He is like a broken 3 plucked nose hairs
fense. Zimmerman’s father said in That assertion was bolstered by “It’s just about ... to be able to take record, asking for Rat Salad all the
a letter to the Orlando Sentinel that two other neighbors who came A male caller described a physical somebody’s life in 2012 and not damn time. Are my non-diseased 1/4 cup regurgitated walnut pieces
his son, who is Hispanic, has been forward on Friday, according to a altercation between Martin and even go to jail for it, that is just sad. meals not good enough for him? 1/2 cup feet-stomped tomato residue
cruelly and unfairly portrayed in report from NBC Miami. the shooter. No matter, for any color. Not just Must he want the infectious Rat
the media as a racist. black or whiteAny color,” Ladonna instead? 3 cups boiled vinegar dressing
The two women, roommates, came “I just heard a shot right behind Williams, 38, who is black, said Directions: Mix it all up and feed to
The teen had gone to a conve- forward to say they heard the teen my house,” The caller said. as she shopped at the Seminole So I wonder. What if I humor this your child. Purposely withhold barf
nience store to buy candy and was calling for help. “They’re wrestling right behind my Towne Center shopping mall, more whining child-spawn and really bag and make him clean up his own
walking back to his family’s home porch. The guy is yelling `Help.’ than a mile from where the shoot- give him what he wants? mess.
in the neighborhood. “I feel it was not self-defense, be- I’m not going outside.” ing took place.
cause I heard the crying, and if it RAT SALAD – THE RECIPE You see that! My kids are spoiled.
“This guy looks like he is up to was Zimmerman that was crying, Earlier Friday, Martin’s parents In the letter to the Sentinel, Zim- They get exactly what they ask for.
no good. He is on drugs or some- Zimmerman would have contin- called on the FBI to take over merman’s father says his son has (warning: do not read this if your Its Rat Salad for dinner.
thing,” Zimmerman told the dis- ued crying after the shot went off,” the investigation, saying they no received death threats and moved breakfast/lunch/dinner is NOT fully
patcher from his SUV. He added said Mary Kutcher, speaking to longer trusted the Sanford police out of his home. George Zimmer- digested yet)
that the black teen had his hand television reporters. department. man is Hispanic and grew up in a Ingredients:
in his waistband and was walking multiracial family, the statement 1 freshly-trapped rat from the inner
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