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George C. Marshall High School
 Student Told To Read Langston
 Hughes Poem ‘Blacker’

 A  Virginia  high  school  English  asked  him  to  explain  why  blacks
 teacher  is  under  investigation  for  like grape soda and rap music.
 allegedly  asking  the  only  black
 student in the class to read a poem   Shumate’s  mother,  Nicole  Page,
 in a “blacker” manner.  told WAMU that she is “very sad”
 for her “child’s loss of innocence”                         Nepalese
 Jordan Shumate, a ninth-grader at  through the experience. The teach-
 George C. Marshall High School in  er  had  also  previously  asked  the   man, 72,
 Falls Church, Va., says he was read-  student to rap out a poem by black
 ing  aloud  Langston  Hughes’  “Bal-  rapper  and  actor  Tupac  Shakur,   claims to
 lad of the Landlord” when teacher  Page said.               be world’s
 Marilyn Bart interrupted him.
 “We’re in 2012 with the first Afri-                         shortest
 “She  told  me,  ‘Blacker,  Jordan  can American president,” Page told
 --  c’mon,  blacker.  I  thought  you  WJLA-TV.  “In  this  era  how  could
 were  black,’”  Shumate  told  The  such a statement be made, particu-
 Washington Post.  larly by an English teacher?”  KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) — He has  and  his  family  in  Rhimkholi  vil-  shorter  than  the  world’s  shortest
     never worked outside the home or  lage, about 250 miles (400 kilome-  man.
 When  the  14-year-old  student  Shumate’s  claims  come  after  two   seen  a  doctor,  and  until  Wednes-  ters)  west  of  Katmandu.  Because
 declined  to  continue  reading  the  shocking  and  racist  YouTube  vid-  day,  he  had  never  left  his  remote  of his height, he has never worked   Guinness currently recognizes Jun-
 poem, Bart read it herself to dem-  eos surfaced in Florida last month   mountain village in western Nepal.  outside  the  house,  doing  only   rey  Balawing  of  the  Philippines,
 onstrate what she meant.  that feature white teen girls mak-  So  72-year-old  Chandra  Bahadur  household  chores.  His  five  broth-  who is 23.5 inches (60 centimeters)
 ing disparaging statements against                          tall.
 “She  read  the  poem  like  a  slave,   black students.  Dangi  only  recently  learned  he  ers are of average size.
 basically,”  Shumate  told  the  Post.   might be the world’s shortest man.  His  family  is  not  sure  when  he   Another  Nepalese  man,  Khagen-
 When  he  asked  whether  she  At least one of the incidents forced   Dangi says he’s only 22 inches (56  stopped  growing,  and  Dangi  said   dra  Thapa  Magar,  was  known  as
 thought  all  black  people  speak  the  video’s  creators  to  apologize   centimeters) tall — about the size  he  has  never  been  checked  by  a   the  world’s  shortest  man,  at  26.4
 that way, he was reportedly told to  and  leave  their  Gainesville,  Fla.,   of a toddler — and he’s hoping to  medical doctor. He attended a few   inches  (67  centimeters),  before
 take his seat and reprimanded for  high school.  claim the title. Guinness World Re-  classes  in  the  village  school,  but   Balawing took over the title on his
 speaking out of turn.                                       18th birthday in June.
     cords said in an email Wednesday  soon dropped out.
 The  poem  was  written  in  1940   that  its  officials  would  arrive  in   Dangi  eats  mainly  rice  and  veg-  In December, Guinness recognized
 about a black tenant thrown in jail   Nepal’s capital Sunday to measure   etables, and occasionally meat, but   an Indian teenager as the world’s
 for challenging a landlord.  Dangi.                         shortest woman. Jyoti Amge is 24.7
                                 in small portions.
                                                             inches  (62.8  centimeters)  tall  and
 “It’s  very,  very  unprofessional,”   Dangi took his first trip outside his   Since the village is so remote, it was  wants  to  attend  university  and
 Shumate told WJLA-TV. “It should   village and his first trip on a plane   only  recently  that  Dangi  gained  become a Bollywood star.
 not happen. She didn’t do it to any   to reach Katmandu on Wednesday.  notice. A forest contractor cutting
 other kids. Why did she have to do   “I  am  very  happy  to  be  in  Kat-  timber in the village met him and   Aside from a Guinness certificate,
 it to me?”                                                  the titles not come  with any cash
     mandu for the first time in my life.  informed local media after Dangi’s
 The  student  brought  the  issue  to   I am here so I can take the Guin-  height was measured.  award.
 his  mother’s  attention  after  the   ness title,” Dangi told reporters at   Dangi’s nephew, Dolak Dangi, said
 teacher  reportedly  singled  him   the airport.  that  before  the  contractor’s  visit,
 out  again  during  a  lesson  about   Dangi,  who  has  never  been  mar-  the family did not know his uncle’s
 stereotypes.  Shumate  said  Bart
     ried,  lives  with  his  eldest  brother  exact  height,  and  that  he  was
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