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Ohio mom charged in death of Thaddeus Jimenez, Wrong-
28-pound teen girl fully Imprisoned Chicago Man,
FACT In Merryville, Awarded $25 Million In Damages
CINCINNATI (AP) — A mother and She had numerous bed sores and Missouri, women
a nurse were charged Thursday in showed other signs of neglect, and are prohibited
the death of the woman’s 14-year- the prosecutor described the home from wearing corsets because In what is believed to be one of dict. Roderick Drew, a spokesman
old daughter, who had cerebral as vile and filthy. “the privilege of admiring the the most substantial verdicts in for the city’s Department of Law,
palsy and weighed only 28 pounds, curvaceous, unencumbered body the city’s history, a federal jury said they “are very disappointed
a prosecutor said. The girl’s mother, Angela Norman, of a young woman should not be on Tuesday awarded $25 million with the decision. ... We will be
also was indicted on a felony count denied to the normal, red-blooded
A Montgomery County grand jury and a misdemeanor count of en- American male.” in damages to a man wrongfully exploring all available options,”
in Dayton indicted the mother and dangering children. No attorney convicted, as a teenager, of murder according to CBS Chicago.
the nurse on involuntary man- was listed for Norman, whose age and forced to serve 16 years in Jon Loevy, Jimenez’s attorney,
slaughter charges. Two other nurs- was listed as 42 in jail records. prison. praised the state’s attorney’s office
es were indicted on lesser charges on the family in September 2009, Thaddeus Jimenez, now 32, was because he said they “recognized
of failing to report child abuse or Mollie E. Parsons, 41, of Dayton, but it was unable to substantiate exonerated and released from an injustice had occurred and
neglect. All were being held in the was indicted on charges of in- any allegations, Ann Stevens, a prison in May 2009, according to they corrected it,” according to the
county jail, prosecutors said. voluntary manslaughter, failing spokeswoman for the Montgomery the Chicago Tribune. Tribune.
to provide for a functionally im-
“This is a tragic and sad case paired person and tampering with County Department of Job and Fam- After being granted a certificate of “They deserve a ton of credit for
wherein four adults were respon- records. Kathryn Williams, 42, of ily Services, said Thursday. innocence, Jimenez sued the city, reopening the case … taking an
sible for the care of this 14-year- Englewood, and Mary K. Kilby, Stevens said she could not pro- accusing police of ignoring the honest look at it and correcting an
old special-needs girl, and they 63, of Miamisburg, were each vide any additional information evidence his attorneys presented injustice,” Loevy continued.
all utterly ignored and failed to charged with failing to provide because of confidentiality require- them, showing that another man
do so,” county prosecutor Mathias for a functionally impaired person ments, but she said the department had confessed to the slaying he Last December, Jimenez was con-
Heck Jr. said in a statement. “The and failing to report child abuse or would have assisted the police and had been charged with. Though victed on drug possession charges
conduct of these four defendants neglect. No attorneys were listed the prosecutor’s office in their in- no physical evidence reportedly and could serve up to three years
transcends all bounds of human for them. vestigation of the girl’s death. linked him to the crime, police al- in prison. He is due to be sentenced
decency.” legedly coerced eyewitnesses into on the drug charges Feb. 1, accord-
The teen was confined to her home ing to CBS.
Heck said that the girl undoubt- and was supposed to be cared saying Jimenez had killed Eric
edly would still be alive “if just for by her mother and Parsons, a Morro, 19, the Associated Press
one of these defendants had acted licensed practical nurse whose job reports.
responsibly.” was to administer care for the girl Jimenez was tried and convicted
six days a week, according to the twice before he was sentenced
Makayla Norman died March 1 prosecutor.
from nutritional and medical ne- to serve 45 years in prison. He is
glect complicated by her chronic Williams and Kilby are registered believed to be the youngest person
condition, the county coroner’s nurses, the prosecutor’s office said. in Illinois history -- and perhaps in
office ruled. Williams was paid to supervise the entire country -- to have been
Parsons and visit and inspect the convicted of murder and then fully
“She was the worst malnourished living conditions and do a physical exonerated, according to a state-
child this office has ever seen,” assessment of the girl every 30 to ment from his attorneys.
Ken Betz, director of the coroner’s 60 days. Kilby was scheduled to
office, said Thursday. Juan Carlos Torres, of Indiana, was
visit every six months to also check charged with Morro’s murder the
Authorities have said that the teen on conditions of the home and as- day Jimenez was released from
died minutes after paramedics sess the girl’s health, needs and prison and is now awaiting trial.
rushed her to a hospital. care, the statement said.
The city could now appeal the ver-
Children’s services had a referral
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