P. 12
2. Apparently, only the most………..employees will attend this conference at
the City Hall which begins at 10.00 on Saturday.
3. Don’t sweat it! Brandon is on it! So, he is going…………… all of the high
paying jobs in the finances.
4. Obviously, Chris’s meticulous nephew is going………..immediately, as he
has been on the furlough for about three months now.
5. ……………of my head, their persistent relative will………….. this job offer,
as he does not want to consider any low paying jobs.
Exercise 9. Read the text and discuss.
Kentucky Fried Chicken. The real-life story of Colonel (полковник)
Harland Sanders who was disappointed (разочарован) umpteen
(бесчисленное количество) times in his life and still made his dream come
true (сделал так, чтобы его мечты сбылись) late in his life is really inspiring.
He is a seventh grade dropped out (в 7-м классе бросил учёбу) who tried
many ventures (предприятий) in life but tasted bitter every time (каждый
раз было горькое разочарование). He started selling chicken at his age of 40
but his dream of a restaurant was turned down (отклонялось) many times
due to (из-за) conflicts and wars. Later he attempted (пытался) to franchise
his restaurant. His recipe got rejected (отклонили) 1,009 times before the final
approval (одобрение). And soon the secret recipe, “Kentucky Fried Chicken”
became a huge hit worldwide (обрёл огромный успех по всему миру). KFC
was expanded (расширилась) globally and the company was sold for 2
million dollars and his face is still celebrated in the logos.
Moral: Have you stopped your attempts (попытки) to a venture (создать
предприятие/бизнес) just because you were rejected or failed a few times?
Can you even accept a failure of 1009 times? This story inspires
(вдохновляет) everyone to try hard and believe in yourself until you see
success despite (несмотря на) how many times you have failed.
Answer the questions:
1. What is the story about?
2. What would you do if you were Colonel (полковник) Harland Sanders?
3. Have you ever started a venture?
4. How many times would you try so to succeed?
Exercise 13. Translate the sentences.
1. На самом деле, всё больше и больше целеустремлённых людей ищут
высокооплачиваемую работу в сфере IT.
2. Мне кажется, этим новичкам следует немедленно подавать заявку, когда
они видят вакансию.
3. Более того, эти инициативные работники в отпуске из-за экономического
кризиса, но им не полагается выходное пособие.
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