P. 17


                     Before the Pregnancy Discrimination Act in 1978,
                     American women could get fired from a job for being pregnant.
                Exercise 36. Read and discuss an article.
                The sweetest advertising slogan of all time: 'Melts in your mouth, not in
                your hands.'
                M&M’s were introduced commercially in 1941 sometime during the Spanish
                Civil War. Forrest Mars, also responsible for the creation of the Milky Way,
                got the idea after watching soldiers eating chocolates coated with a hard candy
                shell that could easily be transported without causing a sticky chocolatey mess.
                Anyway,  long  story  longer,  Mars  created  his  own  take  on  the  pellet-sized
                candy-coated  chocolate,  dubbed  them  M&Ms  and  then  sold  the  suckers
                exclusively to the United States military during World War II.
                But, like all good brands, M&M’s needed a tagline to appeal to the masses
                commercially… and so it created one out of the need it was solving for the
                military. Melt’s in your mouth, not in your hands. Even though M&M’s tagline
                was created decades ago, it is still incredibly well received. Back in 2014, there
                was a study done at Texas Tech where researchers asked 595 people to name
                their favorite taglines from a list of 150. The ones that were most liked ranged
                from…  California  Milk  Processing  Board’s  “Got  Milk?”,  Subway’s  “Eat
                Fresh”, Taco Bell’s “Think outside the bun” and… M&M’s “Melts in your
                mouth, not in your hands”. It’s a bit of an anomaly. While most slogans fall
                between 2-5 words, M&M’s clocks in at a gargantuan 8. Yet, despite this, it’s
                massively effective for a handful of reasons…For one, it’s ridiculously catchy.
                For two, it tells the consumer exactly what the product does. And, three, it
                works like a mini ad that advertises it’s unique strength…
                Exercise 40. Watch the video 1.4 and answer the questions.
                -   I think my one skill is that I’ll outwork (буду работать лучше других)
                    anybody. You know, like, I’ll work harder especially (особенно) at that
                    age, right, where you know certainly (точно) starting out (начинаешь
                    карьеру).  Like  (типа),  Ben  and  I  were  going  to  auditions
                    (прослушивание)  where  kids  would  be  there  with  their  parents.  Like
                    (типа)  their  mom  was  making  them  go  because  their  mom  had  some
                    unrealized (нереализованные) fantasy about doing it and was trying to
                    live  it  through  (прожить  через)  the  kid.  Right,  like,  I’m  gonna  beat
                    (выиграю у/побью) that guy, I want it way more (намного больше) than
                    him,  right.  So,  you  start  know..  and  then  as  you  get  more
                    experience auditioning, you get better at (лучше получается) it and you
                    start really to get feedback (отзыв/ответ) from, you know. So, you while
                    it’s a total feast (пир) or famine (голод) business like you…like (типа)…

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