P. 14
(to apply) immediately the second he (to see) an opening in such companies as
Pepsi or IKEA. ***
Exercise 18. Read the text and discuss.
Inspirational Quotes For Work About Perseverance (упорство):
“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about (о
чём переживаешь), you don’t have to be pushed. The vision (виденье)
pulls (тянет) you.” — Steve Jobs.
“My attitude (отношение) is that if you push me towards something that
you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived (предполагаемая)
weakness into a strength.” — Michael Jordan.
Exercise 19. Watch the video 1.2 and answer the questions.
1. What comes up before questions?
2. What should you answer to a question: What would you bring into this role?
Why do you want to work here? What makes you unique? What makes you
stand out?
First, ace (улучшить) those introductions. Greet (поприветствуйте)
everyone in a way that is authentic (привычно для вас) to you like “Hey, nice
to meet you!” and then say their name. That one always works (работает).
You know, you are more likely to (есть шанс, что) remember their name if
you say it outloud (вголос) when you first meet. A lot of the time small talk
comes up (беседа передует) before any questions. It’s good to have a few
current events (текущих событий) or topics in mind. You can’t possibly
predict (предсказать) what they’re going to ask but you can practice
answering the common ones like “Why do you want to work here? What makes
you unique (уникальным)?”. Let’s see what our interviewer asks. So, I want
to hear more. Tell me about your experience (опыт) and what you would bring
into this role. Pause (сделайте паузу). When this is asked, they are looking to
learn what makes you stand out (выделяться). Be honest with your answers.
That means (означает) having a pause and think for a second. That is all right
Exercise 24. Read the text and discuss.
Warren Buffett: Exercise (практикуйте) humility (скромность) and
restraint (сдержанность).
In a 2010 interview with Yahoo, Berkshire Hathaway chairman
(председатель) and CEO Warren Buffett said the best advice he ever received
(получил) was from Berkshire Hathaway board-of-directors (совет
директоров) member Thomas Murphy. He told Buffett: “Never forget Warren,
you can tell a guy to go to hell (послать к чёрту) tomorrow — you don’t give
up (не отказываешься) the right. So just keep your mouth shut (держи рот
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