P. 18
like (типа) a great example being Dead Poets Society (Сообщество
Мёртвых Поэтов - фильм), okay. Ben and I got close (сблизились) on
that. Right, we both auditioned, we both got called back (перезвонили),
we both…
- You did?
- Yeah and we read that and I was like (и я такой типа говорю) this is an
amazing movie. And I was probably (наверное) 17 or 18. We didn’t get
it, we ended up having the summer job of working at the Janis Theatre in
Harvard Square which doesn’t exist (существует) anymore but it played
one movie the entire (целое) summer. And, it was dead poets society
(Сообщество Мёртвых Поэтов). So, you go from the possibility
(возможности) of being in the movie because the guy tearing
(разрывающий) the ticket and watching people come out crying
(наблюдая, как люди выходят плача) because they’re so moved (они
так растрогались). Right (да), and watching Ethan Hawke can get
nominated for an Academy award (номинировали на Оскар), right.
And that’s like wow! That’s the range of possibility (ряд возможностей)
for you if you got into that business but having said that we did get called
back (нам таки перезвонили), right. So the business was telling us, hey,
you know, it didn’t work out (не получилось) this time but you’re doing
some things, right, you know. And then you need to get extraordinarily
(невероятно) lucky which is, you know, it’s like when primal fear
(первобытный страх) came along (встретился) and everyone knew. I
mean, I literally (буквально) spent money on a dialect coach (тренера
по языковым диалектов) that I didn’t have because there were two
different dialects and I was like I gotta work on this and because it was
clear that whoever (кто-либо) got that role was going to blow up (станет
звездой). And that was one of the things that was the impetus (стимул)
behind Ben and I writing Good Will Hunting (Умница Уилл Хантинг)
and focusing on it was because when primal fear (первобытный страх)
when Edward Norton got primal fear (первобытный страх), we went
like (и мы такие) there’s not gonna be another one of those that’s gonna
come around (попасться), like got to do our own thing (сделать что-то
своё). Like what are the odds (какая вероятность) that a movie with that
good a role is gonna make it all the way through the ranks of known
actors (что роль пройдёт мимо именитых актёров) and get thrown to
the wolves (будет брошено волкам на растерзание) and then all of us
are gonna fight for that scrap (остатки) and one of us will get it.
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