P. 20


         about  her  now  famous  (известный)  character  (герой),  the  young  wizard
         (волшебник)  Harry  Potter,  in  Edinburgh  cafes,  and  received  (получил)
         “loads” of rejections (отказов) from book publishers when she first sent out
         the manuscript, The Guardian reports. “An exceptionally (исключительно)
         short-lived marriage (краткосрочный) had imploded (рухнул), and I was
         jobless, a lone parent (одинокий родитель), and as poor as it is possible to be
         in modern Britain, without being homeless … By every usual standard, I was
         the biggest failure I knew,” Rowling said during a 2008 Harvard University
         commencement speech (речь в честь вручения дипломов). She went on to
         say that she considered her early failure a “gift” that was “painfully won,”
         (выигран  с  болью)  since  she  gained  (получила)  valuable  (ценные)
         knowledge  about  herself  and  her  relationships  through  the  adversity
         Answer the questions:
           1.  What is this article about?
           2.  What would you do if you had so many rejections?
           3.  Where did she draw power from so to keep trying?
         Exercise 49. Put the verbs into the correct tenses.
      1.  Actually, Donald’s inexperienced relative (not to get) a good salary anytime
         soon if he does not start (to brush) up his professional skills.
      2.  I doubt that Allan’s persistent goddaughter (to provide) referral for this position
         and (to recommend) my calm niece.
      3.  To tell the truth, Collin’s determined spouse (to quit) always her jobs in two
         months after being hired.
      4.  Besides, Daniel’s persuasive acquaintance constantly (to talk) shop when we
         (to be) at parties!!!
      5.  Currently, Fiona’s sloppy fiancé (to search) for a high paying job, as he (not
         can) (to take) this anymore!
         Exercise 53. Watch the video 1.5 and answer the questions.
         - You were offered (предложили) an opportunity (возможность) to go to
         Broadway with a play (пьеса) you’d already been a part of. And it was a very
         difficult decision (решение) for you, but you elected (выбрал) not to do that
         because of sort of an idea of where you wanted to take things (заниматься
         некоторыми вещами).
         - It was a selfish (эгостичное) decision as well because it affected (повлияло)
         a lot of other people. I did do 8 months before we were supposed to (должны
         были)  go,  but  apologies  (извинения)  to  Nancy  Carroll  and  Adrian
         Scarborough, and Thea Sharrock. I just wanted to mix it all up all the time. I
         really  wanted,  I  wanted…I  mean,  my  theatre  training  at  LAMDA  was  a

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