P. 24


         4.  If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would
             it be?
         5.  What’s the craziest thing you have ever done?
         Exercise 65. Watch the video 1.7 and answer the questions.
         And then I joined (стал участником) the NFL club. You know what that is.
         No  friends  left  (никаких  друзей  не  осталось).  No,  I  won’t  take  my  call
         anymore, right. And I also tried mail-order business (бизнес – покупки по
         почте). So, a lot of these business failures (неудачи) and I could tell you, it
         boils down to (сводится к) one thing – all these ideas that I had most of time
         because I thought it was a good idea. Here’s what I believe in – every single
         damn (чёртова) problem I have in my life right now started off (началась) as
         an idea. It’s not as an idea that hey you know I could make some money doing
         that I could make a few bucks (заработать немного) doing this and no it was
         such  a  bad  idea.  I  didn’t  have  experience,  I  didn’t  know  how  to  analyze
         (анализировать) the market. Is there a need for what I sell? And quite frankly
         (довольно  честно)  I  didn’t  have  the  ability  (возможность)  to  execute
         (выполнить). So, the idea was fine but my execution (исполнение), just like
         most of you watching this video, the execution was lousy (паршивый). You
         do not have or you haven’t developed (развил) a capability (способность) or
         the   skills   (навыки)   to   execute   the   idea   with   excellence
         (совершенно/идеально) 13 failures. Now, wouldn’t you agreed (разве вы
         бы не согласились бы) most people would have given up (отказались бы)
         by this point I couldn’t afford (позволить) to give up because I had to take
         care of (заботиться) my mom and because of all these failures I was a hundred
         and fifty thousand dollars in debt (долга). So, said to myself “Hey, I already
         hit the rock bottom (достиг дна) it could not get any worse that this. I’m
         already in debt. I’m not making enough money, I have to make it. And this is
         14  that’s when I made it and that’s when I made a decision (решение) to learn
         a skill set (набор навыков).
         And the very first skill set, high income skill that I learned was copywriting.
         The  ability  (способность)  to  use  my  written  words  to  sell  to  market,  so
         learning the art of copywriting, the art of communication, the art of closing
         changed my life. It’s only after I learned that my business started to work.
         That’s the distinction (различие) because it doesn’t matter what it is that you
         do. You may be thinking while here’s my product, here’s my service, I’m in
         the  digital  marketing  business,  I’m  in  the  e-commerce  business,  right,  I’m
         selling whatever product, I’m in the financial service…It doesn’t matter that’s
         your  product,  that’s  your  service,  that’s  not  your  business.  You  are  in  the
         business of marketing that product or service and unless (если только не) and

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