P. 26
often asked if young people pursuing (преследовать) their dreams should
burn the candle at both ends (работать, не покладая рук)?
“This couldn’t be less true (совсем не похоже на правду),” she writes. “And
for far too long, we have been operating (работали/жили) under a collective
delusion (иллюзия) that burning out (выгорание на работе) is the necessary
price for achieving (достигнуть) success.” She says she wishes she could go
back and tell her younger self, “Arianna, your performance will actually
improve (улучшатся) if you can commit (возьмёте обязательства на себя)
to not only working hard but also unplugging (отключиться от интернета,
гаджетов), recharging (подзарядиться), and renewing yourself.”
Exercise 69. Discuss fun facts.
1. "Yahoo" is an acronym for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious
2. Starbucks' round tables were created specifically so customers would
feel less alone.
3. Pepsi got its name from the digestive enzyme pepsin.
4. Facebook is mostly blue because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green
5. Gucci holds the Guinness World Record for the most expensive pair of
jeans costing $3,134.
6. 28. Michael Kors designed his first piece of clothing aged 5; his
mother's wedding dress.
Exercise 74. Watch video 1.8 and disucss it.
Answer the questions:
1. What is this video about?
2. Why was the man dressed so poorly?
3. Did you like the way he tried to explain the situation?
4. What would you if you were the hiring official?
5. How would you try to persuade a hiring official if you got into trouble and
were poorly dressed in an interview?
6. Would you hire Chris Gardner?
- Chris Gardner. How are you?
- Good morning. Good to see you again.
- Pleasure.
- I’ve been sitting there for the last half hour trying to come up with
(придумать) a story that would explain (объяснить) my being here
dressed like this. And…and I wanted to come up with a story that would
demonstrate qualities (качества) that I’m sure you all admire
(восхищаетесь) here, like…like earnestness (серьёзность) or diligence
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