P. 31
карьеру в свои руки) and write a movie role for himself. After watching a
boxing match, Stallone wrote the script (сценарий) for Rocky very quickly,
and soon studios wanted to buy the screenplay to make.
Stallone was offered (предложили) $125,000 for the Rocky script, but the
trouble (проблема) for the studios was that Stallone wanted to star (играть
главную роль) in the movie. Stallone was dead broke (был вовсе без гроша)
and turned down (отказаться от) $125,000 in order to chase his dream
(чтобы преследовать мечту). After being rejected (после того, как ему
отказали) on that idea because he “looked and talked funny”, Stallone was
then offered $250,000 for the screenplay. He refused (отказался) unless he
could star.
He was then offered $350,000. He rejected it unless he could star in it. The
studio wanted this screenplay so badly, but were not willing to risk the money
on this unknown actor. Stallone stayed strong (держал свою линию), and
eventually (со временем) the studio gave him a small amount for the script
and let him star.
With his fortunes up (получив прибыль), Stallone went to buy back his dog,
but the guy he sold it to would not sell him back. Stallone offered the man
$1000 for the dog, but the man refused. Eventually, the man accepted $15,000
for the dog. And this is why Stallone has deserved (заслужил) his success and
why he is on this list of the best motivational stories – because he was willing
to do whatever it takes (всё, что требуется) to get his dream.
Exercise 97. Watch the video 1.10 and answer the questions.
I guess the people who are my clients are typically friends. Didn’t start out
that way (так всё не было с самого начала). Of course I was young and new
in the business. My clients were whoever my boss’s clients were. And you’re
not gonna necessarily (обязательно) like all of them or get along with
(ладить с) all of them but you have to do the business and do the work. So,
you’re helping other people raise capital (увеличить капитал) to buy or build
something. Ultimately (в конце концов), they realize (реализуют) their
dreams at the end of the day (в конце концов). And if that doesn’t inspire
(вдохновляет) you to some degree (в какой-то степени) particularly
(особенно) when you look at the resilience
(жизнестойкость/сопротивляемость) of our clients. I can say from the old
days when I was covering (работал с) more larger corporates. It’s a little
different but now I cover a lot of entrepreneurs (частных
предпринимателей) and a lot of others who are self-made people, or left big
organizations to go and pursue (добиваться) their own businesses. And in
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