P. 28


         -   Okay. Tonight. I swear, I will fill your spot (дам это место другому). I
             promise (обещаю). If you back out (отказаться, отступить), you know
             what I’ll look like to the partners?
         -   Yes. An ass…as**** Yeah, an ass****e, all the way. You are a piece of
             work (тот ещё человек). Tonight.
         Exercise 78. Translate the sentences.
      1.  Между прочим, Том, который на  текущий момент  ищет работу,  более
         прилежный, чем измученная племянница Карла.
      2.  По  моему  мнению,  Ллойд,  который  часто  меняет  работы,  более
         рассеянный, чем сердитая крестница Олафа.
      3.  Дай мне дать подсказку раздражённой крестнице Рона, как (on how to)
         искать   низкооплачиваемую   работу,   потому   что   я   более
         целеустремлённая, чем она.
      4.  Первое,  что  приходит  в  голову,  скучающий  крестник  Нэда  более
         решительный, чем Коллин, который сейчас в отпуске без оплаты.
      5.  На  самом  деле,  это  –  уловка  22  для  разведённого  племянника  Пита,
         потому что он более амбициозный, чем Пит, однако он не сможет найти
         высокооплачиваемую работу, потому он не самый опытный.
         Exercise 82. Read the text and discuss.
         The Psychology Behind Why People Buy Luxury Goods
         Many people treat luxury goods as an aim in their life- something they want to
         achieve. This feeling of accomplishment is very common. The charm that a
         luxury handbag may have is undeniable, the soft leather, rich logo and smooth
         features, the price tag can be put off many people.
         Unless you’ve got a wallet full of money, a well-paid job or have developed
         fantastic personal savings habits, buying any sort of luxury item can burn a
         hole in your pocket or create a credit card balance that isn't easy to pay off.
         Irrational Behaviour of Consumer: Consumer Behavioius remains one of the
         most research topics of all time, and this is because consumers don’t behave
         rationally  at  all  times.  A  perfectly  rational  consumer  would  take  decisions
         based on pure logic and think of his best interests.
         But,  psychologists  have  found,  through  studies  that  humans  don’t  act
         rationally. Their decisions are influenced by factors like emotions as well as
         logic. Many consumers who purchase luxury goods are not financially capable
         of owning such goods. Americans are one of the highest consumers of designer
         wear and also have the highest consumer debt. This phenomenon stands as
         proof of how many Americans don’t always act in their best financial interest.
         If you’re looking for a durable, high-quality bag, you’ll find a range of those
         in the market for let’s say, $100. But yet, some people want to spend thousands

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