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                She has been the creative director of Condé Nast, the publisher of Vogue, since
                2013.  Everyone  who  works  in  or  around  the  fashion  industry  is  aware
                (осведомлён) of the almost mythical spot (мифическое место) she holds in
                the business - and they’re most probably afraid of her.
                This is because Wintour is often portrayed (описывается, как) as one of the
                most intimidating (пугающих) figures you could be looked at in an office
                meeting, or from the side of a runway (с другой стороны подиума). The
                truth is that she has been an  admired trendsetter (законодатель трендов,
                которой восхищаются) for decades (десятилетиями), as well as a meticulous
                and detail-oriented leader.
                Tired of being pointed (будучи уставшей от того, что к ней относятся, как)
                at as a negative influence (негативному влиянию) and determined to defend
                (защищать) her years of hard work, she stated (сказала): “People sometimes
                mistake  (путают)  power  for  intimidation  (запугиванием).  I  find  this
                happening to a lot of female (женщин) leaders. The press loves to overblow
                (раздувал) everything I do. It’s like it is  abnormal (ненормально) for the
                editor of a publication like Vogue to maintain a powerful stance (занимать
                сильную позицию). Because that’s what I am: powerful, not  intimidating
                She is well known for her love of perfection and absolute order: she works
                hand in hand (бок о бок) with the designers to control every detail of every
                issue (выпуска), from the cover to the barcodes (штрих кода) at the back.
                Did you know that because the office in the iconic film “The Devil Wears
                Prada” looked too similar to hers, she decided to redecorate (сменить дизайн)
                it.  After  all,  the  character  of  Miranda  Priestly  has  been  repeatedly
                (многократно)  related  to  her  (соотносили  с  ней),  though  without
                confirmation (подтверждения) from Lauren Weisberger, the author of the
                Exercise 398. Watch the video 3.17 and answer the questions.
                After I had my first daughter I was working for this guy, basically running his
                company (руководила его компанией). I think he was doing maybe a million
                dollars  when  I  first  I  went  to  work  for  him.  And  I  grew  (сделала  его
                компанию больше) his company to about fifteen million dollars in two years.
                And at one point I got pregnant (забеременела), and he was just like (он
                такой говорит), oh, my god, that's the end of that. I was like (я такая говорю),
                what are you kidding, I'll be back. I said, and by the way I'm going to take off
                (буду брать отпуск) four weeks. And when I do come back I want my entire
                (всю)  salary  renegotiated  (пересмотреть),  and  all  my  deal  renegotiated
                based on (все условия работы должны быть пересмотрены, основываясь

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