Page 139 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 139
The argument (спор состоит в том, что) is that people can typically make the
same impacts even if they don't spend countless (бесчисленное) hours making
minute (очень маленькие) tweaks (хитрости) to their projects.
That doesn't mean people shouldn't ever devote (посвятить) extra time to the
work they do, but only should if that decision will result in a substantial
(значительном) increase in impact (увеличения влияния/результата).
4. Your Workplace Effort (усилия) Could Cause (могут стать причиной)
a Premature Death (преждевременной смерти): People often reason with
themselves (вразумить самих себя) and promise (обещают) they'll cut back
(сократят) once they complete (завершат) a project, train a new employee,
deliver a presentation and so on. However, they ultimately (в конечном
итоге) fail to follow through with those intentions (не могут выполнить
эти намерения).
If you can relate (иметь отношение) - and especially if your job involves
(включает) a lot of sitting - consider (учитывайте) that research
(исследование) from Columbia University Medical Center indicates
(означает) the way you spend time at work could cause you to die too soon.
The investigation (расследование) looked at 8,000 workers over 45 to track
their daily sedentary (сидячее) time.
The average amount (среднее количество) was over 12 hours a day during
time awake, and people who stayed inactive for over 13 hours were twice as
likely to die prematurely (умереть преждевременно) as those who were not
active for 11 1/2 hours daily.
A different study at University College London found that people who work
more than 55 hours weekly have more incidences (случаи) of cardiovascular
problems (проблемы с сердечно-сосудистой системой), including
(включая) strokes (инсульты), than those who work less.
Exercise 394. Watch the video 3.16 and answer the questions.
a concussion – сотрясение мозга
a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) – черепно-мозговая травма
to avoid – избежать
a helmet – шлем
novelty – новинка
nutrition – питание
to cope - справляться
Answer the questions:
9. Why do we need to protect our brain? Have you ever had a concussion?
10. Do you keep your gadgets next to you while sleeping?
11. How many new things do you learn?
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