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                -   Oh, I enjoy BBQ quite a bit, actually.
                -   Good.
                -   Here you go, Mr. Turkanian, new copy’s finished.
                -   Okay, you know what. I don’t know if I would’ve done this.
                -   Yeah. Is there a problem with it?
                -   You  do  not  hand  in  crap  like  this  (не  должны  меня  вручать  такое
                    ***мо)! It looks like you took a crap or dump (дерьмо или помойку) in
                    the printer, you are scum (подлец), I should fire you and burn down your
                    freaking house. I am this close to raping (изнасиловать) you. Go, write
                -   I’m sorry.
                -   Office politics. Sometimes I think this place is like Emily McNeal.
                -   Is this how you deal with your employees? I’m not sure I want to work in
                    this kind of environment (среде).
                -   Hold on a second (погодите минутку), hold on a second. Car accident!
                    Oh, my God, is he OK?
                -   Hey! Not on my watch! No personal phone call, alright? I should smack
                    you in a mouth (дать тебе по губам). Using company time to talk to your
                    disgusting (ужасные) whore (проститутки) friends. No, you do not do
                -    I’m sorry.
                -   You do not. Hey! Just taking care of some business (доделаю кое-какое
                Answer the questions:
                    1.  What is this video about?
                    2.  Have you ever been in an interview like this?
                    3.  Have you ever worked for an angry boss? What did you do?
                    4.  What would you do if you were interviewing for a position and saw
                    5.  What  do  you  think  employees  should  do  if  they  are  treated  in  an
                        inappropriate way?
                Exercise 393. Read and discuss the article.
                These  Science-Backed  Reasons  (причины,  имеющие  научную  основу)  Will
                Convince You to Stop Staying Late at the Office.
                1. Too Much Work Causes (является причиной) Cognitive Decline (упадка
                мыслительных  функций):  Most  of  us  don't  need  scientific  research
                (научные  исследования)  to  confirm  (подтвердить)  the  brain-numbing
                effects (эффект онемения мозга) of working too long. In fact, people have
                recognized the  harmful effects (вредные эффекты) of too much  work for
                generations (поколениями).

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