Page 132 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 132


         Exercise 379. Read and discuss the article. 8 Simple Ways To Never Miss
         A Deadline.
         1. Understand that you can’t do everything at once. Being a hard worker
         can sometimes be a double-edged sword (оказаться палкой о двух концах):
         You want to say yes to every assignment thrown your way, but then you end
         up  overcommitted  (слишком  упорным).  Professional  organizer Christina
         Hidek sees  this  all  the  time.  "I’ve  found  that  with  professionals  who  are
         educated and smart, there’s a tendency to think that they can do it all, and this
         leads  to  people  trying  to  do  more  than  time  can  really  allow  for,  causing
         lateness (опозданий)," she says. Whenever you find yourself wanting to say
         "yes" to something you know you don’t have time for right now, think of this
         quote from media executive (руководителя СМИ) Kate White: “You don’t
         have to do everything at once. Think of yourself as a serial achiever. You’ve
         got time!”
         2. Stop underestimating (недооценивать) how long tasks will take. When
         you say to the boss, "I’ll have it done by 7 p.m.," odds are (скорее всего), you
         genuinely (искренне) believe it. But if 7 p.m. comes and goes and you still
         haven’t  finished,  you  may  be  underestimating  how  long  it  takes  to  do
         something  (or,  in  a  less  flattering  (сглаживающую)  version  of  events,
         overestimating your own ability). “Start keeping track of your time and looking
         at how long tasks actually took to complete versus (в сравнении с) how long
         you thought they would take,” Hidek says. “Once you see the time difference,
         make adjustments (корректировки).”
         3. Be honest with yourself about why you’re late. If understanding  your
         limits and appropriately (должным образом) gauging (оценивая) how long
         something will take aren't tripping you up (сыграло с тобой злую шутку)
         but you're still not delivering on time, be honest about the issue at hand. Sue
         Cook,  counselor  at  Family  TLC,  offers  some  other  possible  explanations
         (объяснения): "Are you in denial (отрицании), thinking it is not a problem?
         Are you too busy? Are you easily distracted? Do you break your promise to
         yourself?  Once  you  know  why  you  are  late  then  you  can  implement
         (осуществить) the how to stop it." For example, Hidek adds, if you’re late
         getting  out  the  door  in  the  morning  because  you’re  rushing  around
         inefficiently (спешите без результатов), get more done the night before.
         4.  Set  a  personal  consequence  (последовательность)  for  being  late.
         According  to  Steve  Levinson,  Ph.D.,  clinical  psychologist  and  president
         of Behavioral   Dynamics,   being   habitually   late   (хронически
         опаздывающим) is cultivated by a lack of consequences. "The key to breaking

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