Page 129 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 129
- It was a great choice. And if I hadn't jumped in and let you speak your mind
(говоришь, что думаешь), you know what he would have heard? Something's
wrong with Mike Ross.
- You don't know that.
- Yes, I do and so do you. This is Louis we're talking about and you rejected
(отклонили) his first request.
- Because it was unreasonable (необоснованный).
- And the only way you're going to convince him that this is unreasonable is to
tell him why.
- Harvey!
- Jessica, the only way to make him take that offer back is to force him to do it
because he's going to ask you why. Again and again, and no matter what you
say, he's going to know you're full of ******. And then, how long do you think
it's going to take him to remember that last year he wondered if Mike even went
to Harvard?
- You could at least pretend to hide (прятать) how happy you are.
- I may be happy about it but you know I'm right. And the truth is I never should
have let him go in the first place.
Answer the questions:
1. What is this video about?
2. Is Harvey right about Louis?
3. Do you think it is sometimes better to make concessions so to save the
Exercise 375. Fill in the correct translation.
to demand
on the labour market
to be a good fit for the position
to be the best fit for the job
to succeed in the job
to be eager (to)
to take on a project
to keep projects within the planned timeline
to be a stickler for due dates
to miss a deadline
to do my/his/her due diligence
to be good at/skilled at
to voice ideas/thoughts
to ask for help
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