Page 128 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 128
3. Не парься! Однако это решать Дональду, но, по моему мнению, он
привыкнет командовать на работе.
4. Главным образом, вместо того, чтобы привыкать навёрстывать дела
после работы эта неряшливая работница постоянно переносит важные
5. Кроме того, те настойчивые работники готовы привыкать работать
посменно в этом месяце.
Exercise 373. Watch the video 3.9 and answer the questions. Read and
retell the script of the video.
- You wanted to see me?
- I thought you wanted to see me?
- I wanted to see you both (обоих).
- Lois! Is this about implementing (реализация) your request (запроса) with
- It's about retracting (отказываться) my request with Sheila.
- What happened?
- I thought…
- Nothing happened. I hired Mike Ross back at the firm.
- What?
- If she and I are meant to be (должны быть вместе) we'll make that work
(у нас всё получится). But Mike was gonna do something that I could not let
him do. So I'm using my reward (вознагрождение) on him.
- Okay, Louis…
- It's a great choice, I'm proud (горжусь) of you.
- Why don't you give me a minute with Jessica and see if we can't get him an
- Thank you, Harvey. Thank you both.
- Is that it?
- I'd still like to be able to take Ross hush off (сделать так, чтоб он молчал),
if that's okay.
- I think we can work something out.
- No way.
- Jessica.
- Mike Ross is not coming back to this firm.
- You heard Louis, he already gave him the job.
- He cannot give him the job. It's too late for that, and you know it.
- Well. it damn sure didn't help when you jumped on in there and told him it
was a great choice.
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