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                “Stress creates physiological symptoms, and that manifests (выражается) as
                pain,” said Reynolds. Your muscles in general ache (болят): When your job is
                toxic, it can feel like you’re fighting off (бороться) a wild tiger at your desk.
                Under  a  perceived  threat  (воспринимаемой  угрозой),  your  brains  flood
                (наполняет) your system with adrenaline and other stress hormones.
                “Our  nervous  systems  in  toxic  jobs  are  constantly  on  edge  (на  грани),”
                Reynolds said. “We are constantly anticipating (ожидаем), ready to react to
                an unpleasant boss or co-worker.”
                If  you  are  always  typing  “just  following  up”  emails  with  your  shoulders
                hunched (сутулый) and your jaw clenched (сжаты), this could be a sign that
                your job is impacting (влияет) your health.
                Your mental health gets worse: Reynolds noted that increased (увеличенный)
                stress can exacerbate (усугубить) existing (существующие) mental health
                issues. “Someone who might be a worrier in a really toxic work environment;
                that worry will often exacerbate to cross the clinical threshold (переступить
                порог поликлиники),” she said.
                If you feel like your boss is always out to get you (хочет тебя достать), your
                mental  health  pays  a  price.  One  2012 analysis of  279  studies  linked
                perceptions (восприятие) of organizational unfairness (несправедливости)
                with  employee  health  complaints  (жалобы)  such  as  overeating  and
                E.  Kevin  Kelloway,  the Canada  Research  Chair  in  Occupational  Health
                Psychology at St. Mary’s University, said that unfair treatment (отношение)
                at work can cause us outsized (больше обычного размера) stress.
                “Injustice  (несаправедливость)  is  a  particularly  toxic  stressor  because  it
                strikes at the core (наносит удар в самое сердце) of who we are,” he said.
                “When you treat me unfairly you attack my dignity (достоинство) as a person
                — essentially saying that I don’t deserve fair treatment or to be treated the same
                as others.”
                You get sick more often: If you are catching colds constantly, consider how
                you are feeling about your job. A large body of research shows that chronic
                stress can compromise (ставить под угрозу) the immune system, making you
                more susceptible to illness (склонным к заболеваниям).
                Exercise 372. Translate the sentences.
             1.  Между  прочим,  самоотверженная  работница  раньше  имела  много
                достижений в продажам, потому что она никогда не принимала отказ (to
                take – took – taken).
             2.  Да ладно! Видимо, Стейси этим занимается, поэтому у нас будет много
                возможностей роста.

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