Page 134 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 134


      4.  Прилежный  финансовый  аналитик  привыкнет  изучать  ценовую
         политику, товары, проблемы, с какими проблемы компания столкнулась,
         я обещаю! Я этим займусь!
      5.  Те мужчины раньше гордились тем, что они тщательные.
         Exercise 383. Read and discuss the facts.
         15  Of  The  Most  Expensive  Things  Ever  Purchased.  This  Stuff  Is  Beyond
         -   Feather of a Huia bird -$10,000: This is the most valuable feather in the
             world, since it once belonged to a Huia bird, which is now extinct. The
             bird’s plumage was traditionally used to adorn Maori chiefs.
         -   Manhattan Parking Spot – $1 million: This parking spot in downtown
             Manhattan was sold for six times the average cost of an American home.
             As any New York City driver knows, that’s a bargain!
         -   Crystal Piano – $3.2 million: This crystal piano was used for the Beijing
             Olympic Games, and it was purchased at auction by a private bidder for a
             record $3.22 million U.S. dollars! I bet it sounds like pure gold.
         -   “Dead Shark” Art Piece – $12 million: Most often referred to as “Dead
             Shark” (but officially named The Physical Impossibility of Death in the
             Mind of Someone Living), this piece was created in 1991 by English artist
             Damien Hirst. It’s made of a tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde. It was
             purchased by an anonymous hedge fund manager.
         Exercise 385. Watch the video 3.13 and answer the questions.
         -   Oh, you brought a sack (пакет) lunch. We would have shared. Amusing
             (забавно)! As was this your little lawsuit (судебная тяжба). Take your
             sack of presents and run kid. You're in way over your head.
         -   Oh, I think you'll be just fine.
         -   Hello, Vivian.
         -   Hello, so, the rookie called in the veteran there.
         -   No I'm just here to watch.
         Answer the questions:
             1.  What can you conclude from this video?
             2.  What might they be discussing?
             3.  Do you think that people have bias towards rookies when dealing with
                the big guns?
             4.  Do you remember yourself being a rookie? What were you mostly
                afraid of? How long did it take you to become a pro?
         Exercise 387. Fill in the correct translation.
          разделять (работу от личной жизни)
          вести переговоры/договариваться

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