Page 173 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 173
3. Apparent, Melinda a proactive spouse will to narrow down a pool of potential
employees these week, as theirs a company need a more workforce.
4. Obvious, Sanders a meticulous fiancée will running errands on moment, as on
two hours she will having lunch with hers a inexperienced goddaughter.
5. Of a top off mine a head, Barry a naughty nephew will going catch up at his an
errands, as on next month he is be in furlough and will not can to do it.
Exercise 306. Watch the video Nike.
- This is good, more insightful than I would have thought. This line doesn't
feel exactly right.
- If you're thinking that that line isn't perfect I agree, it needs a little work.
- There's something not exactly right about, it isn't? There…I mean, it's it's
not bad, it's insightful, actually, it's just…Well, what do you think this
woman's thinking?
- Let's see..uh she's thinking about what she wants out of life, what's he
gonna accomplish…I mean, how's she gonna do all that. I mean women,
you know, they think about that a lot! I mean, surprisingly a lot! They
worry all the time about everything.
- You're so right! How do you know that?
- Well, you know, even I had a mother.
- uh-huh..well so maybe running gives her time off from all of that. Maybe
it gives her something she can't get anyplace else. Look at her! God, I want
to be her. She looks so free, doesn't she? No one's judging her, no boss to
worry about, no guys to worry about, no games…
Exercise 307. Translate the sentences.
1. На самом деле, у их целеустремлённых коллег сегодня вечеринка в 18.45,
потому что они заработали (have made) очень много денег для своей
2. К сожалению, у нас сейчас проблема, потому что мы не можем заставить
работников порта (port workers) взвешивать всё зерно (all grain) каждый
3. Не парься! Сегодня у Томаса операция, но врач самый опытный в этой
больнице, поэтому всё будет хорошо!
4. Более того, я не могу это перенести больше! Честно говоря, на этой
неделе у меня очень болит горло! Поэтому Карл будет разговаривать с
нашими клиентами сегодня.
5. Первое, что пришло в голову, мы сегодня будем отдыхать, потому что эта
неделя была очень интенсивной (has been very intensive), и мы больше
не можем это выдержать.
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