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         Exercise 347. Read and discuss the article. Real-Life Stories of People Who
         Rage-Quit Their Jobs.
         Usually quitting (бросить) a job is relatively mundane (обыденное) - you
         might  be  nervous  about  it,  but  it  generally  won't involve  yelling  (крики),
         profanity  (ненормативная  лексика),  or  other  fireworks.  But  occasionally
         (иногда) a resignation (отставка) is truly spectacular (зрелищным).
         As a workplace advice columnist (обозреватель), I get to hear some pretty
         wonderful stories of people who get fed up (сыты по горло) with their jobs
         and  quit (бросили) in amazing and  amusing (забавными)  ways. Here are
         some of my favorite rage-quitting stories I've heard from readers - including
         one incredible story where a resignation note (заявление на увольнение) was
         spelled out in fish.
         1. "My horribly offensive (отвратительный) coworker showed up at work last
         week wearing shorts. My boss looked him up and down and said, 'Shorts are
         against (противоречат) our dress code. You’ll need to go home and change.'
         He nodded (кивнул) and said, 'Oh I know they’re against dress code here-but
         they’re not at my new job. I start today! So…Bye!' And then he walked out."
         2. "I worked in high school at a mismanaged grocery (плохо управляемый
         продуктовый магазин) chain that is now out of business. I was a cashier but
         they had a 16-year-old girl working behind the fish counter (which was illegal)
         and who was not being paid properly for the work she was doing (because she
         wasn’t supposed to be doing it!).
         On Sunday, the beginning of the pay period, she clocked in, wrote 'I QUIT' in
         cod (треска), haddock (пикша), and tilapia filets in the seafood counter, and
         clocked out (ушёл с работы). She framed a photo of her masterwork and her
         last paycheck (зарплата) for $2 and hung (повесила) it in her bedroom."
         3. "A colleague’s good friend had been wooed up (уговаривали работать) by
         my company for a good 6 months. He was utterly (совершенно) qualified in
         ways we needed, a very nice guy, the perfect employee. Alluring (заманчиво)
         phone calls, escalating propositions (нарастающие предложения), nice dim
         sum  lunches,  they  went  all  out  (выложились  изо  всех  сил).  Finally,  he
         accepted, and a starting date was set.
         We had flextime at that company, meaning every waking hour was spent there
         but you could pretty much choose when to be awake. Also, that particular week
         a couple of us (I’m one of the guilty parties) had particularly gnarly (корявый)
         personal things to deal with before getting to work, and consistently didn’t
         make it in before 11-12. And equally (в равной степени) also, we were on the
         West Coast in financial services, so we already started the day ‘late’ by market
         standards, and to add to this the CEO was a fanatical morning person. Normally

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