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         3. Be honest with yourself about why you’re late. If understanding  your
         limits and appropriately (должным образом) gauging (оценивая) how long
         something will take aren't tripping you up (сыграло с тобой злую шутку)
         but you're still not delivering on time, be honest about the issue at hand. Sue
         Cook,  counselor  at  Family  TLC,  offers  some  other  possible  explanations
         (объяснения): "Are you in denial (отрицании), thinking it is not a problem?
         Are you too busy? Are you easily distracted? Do you break your promise to
         yourself?  Once  you  know  why  you  are  late  then  you  can  implement
         (осуществить) the how to stop it." For example, Hidek adds, if you’re late
         getting  out  the  door  in  the  morning  because  you’re  rushing  around
         inefficiently (спешите без результатов), get more done the night before.
         4.  Set  a  personal  consequence  (последовательность)  for  being  late.
         According  to  Steve  Levinson,  Ph.D.,  clinical  psychologist  and  president
         of Behavioral   Dynamics,   being   habitually   late   (хронически
         опаздывающим) is cultivated by a lack of consequences. "The key to breaking
         this bad habit is to take deliberate (осознанный), specific, and creative action
         to  make  it  really feel necessary  to  be  on  time,"  he  says.  He  gives  a  rather
         extreme example of someone who consistently (постоянно) puts off his tax
         returns (налоговые декларации) until the last minute. To be more prompt
         (оперативный), the guy writes an inflammatory (подстрекательное) letter to
         the IRS that would get him in trouble, seals (запечатывает) and addresses it,
         and gives it to a friend with strict (строгой) instruction to mail it on March 1
         – unless he replaces (заменит) the envelope (конверт) with his completed tax
         return. It doesn’t need to be something that dramatic, of course, but find a way
         to hold yourself to the deadlines you set.
         Exercise 380. Fill in the correct translation.
          to keep projects within the planned timeline
          to be a stickler for due dates
          to miss a deadline
          to do my/his/her due diligence
          to be good at/skilled at
          to voice ideas/thoughts
          to ask for help
          to feel burnout with the workload
          to keep balance between work and a personal life
          to compartmentalize
          to negotiate
          to be out of my/his/her/our/their league

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