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         -   “Dead Shark” Art Piece – $12 million: Most often referred to as “Dead
             Shark” (but officially named The Physical Impossibility of Death in the
             Mind of Someone Living), this piece was created in 1991 by English artist
             Damien Hirst. It’s made of a tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde. It was
             purchased by an anonymous hedge fund manager.
         Exercise 384. Find and correct the mistakes.
      1.  Unfortunately, Britney a persistent spouse used to missing any openings, as he
         used be not such determined in last year.
      2.  Of top of my a head, Dillan a jealous spouse be not used to have job, as she
         was used be fully dependent in his husband on last December.
      3.  I guess, his a savvy manager will never not get used to have low paying job on
      4.  It not-brainer, that Matthew an industrious relative are going get used to get
         prepared  for  job  interview  on  this  week,  as  he  need  research  all  common
         interview questions and get job.
      5.  Obvious, Bobby a well-behaved godson were used to have menial job, as he
         used be rather a poor on 2015.
         Exercise 385. Watch the video 3.13 and answer the questions.
         -   Oh, you brought a sack (пакет) lunch. We would have shared. Amusing
             (забавно)! As was this your little lawsuit (судебная тяжба). Take your
             sack of presents and run kid. You're in way over your head.
         -   Oh, I think you'll be just fine.
         -   Hello, Vivian.
         -   Hello, so, the rookie called in the veteran there.
         -   No I'm just here to watch.
         Answer the questions:
             1.  What can you conclude from this video?
             2.  What might they be discussing?
             3.  Do you think that people have bias towards rookies when dealing with
                the big guns?
             4.  Do you remember yourself being a rookie? What were you mostly
                afraid of? How long did it take you to become a pro?
         Exercise 386. Read and discuss the article. 8 Simple Ways To Never Miss
         A Deadline.
         5. Start working on a project as soon as you receive (получишь) it. Time
         management consultant Rashelle Isip advises her clients to start working on an
         assignment  (задание)  the  very  day  it’s  received.  "This  might  sound  a  bit

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