Page 231 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
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disgusting (ужасные) whore (проститутки) friends. No, you do not do
- I’m sorry.
- You do not. Hey! Just taking care of some business (доделаю кое-какое
Answer the questions:
1. What is this video about?
2. Have you ever been in an interview like this?
3. Have you ever worked for an angry boss? What did you do?
4. What would you do if you were interviewing for a position and saw
5. What do you think employees should do if they are treated in an
inappropriate way?
Exercise 393. Read and discuss the article.
These Science-Backed Reasons (причины, имеющие научную основу) Will
Convince You to Stop Staying Late at the Office.
1. Too Much Work Causes (является причиной) Cognitive Decline (упадка
мыслительных функций): Most of us don't need scientific research
(научные исследования) to confirm (подтвердить) the brain-numbing
effects (эффект онемения мозга) of working too long. In fact, people have
recognized the harmful effects (вредные эффекты) of too much work for
generations (поколениями).
While writing his autobiography, Henry Ford brought the workweek for his
employees down (сократил) to 40 from 48 after he realized (понял) they were
making too many errors (ошибок).
There's also an Australian study (исследование) from the University of
Melbourne that found (выяснили) people over 40 who work 40 hours per
week are at risk for physical and psychological stress that could potentially
cause cognitive damage.
The researchers (исследователи) who made that discovery (открытие) said
that effect happens when those older than 40 work more than 25 hours per
week. However, working up to that amount increases (увеличивает) positive
mental stimulation.
2. The Extra Work May Not Catch Your Boss's Eye (не бросается вашему
начальнику в глаза): Some people push themselves to work beyond (вне)
their scheduled hours (запланированные часы) because they think their
bosses will see them as more diligent than their colleagues, thereby (таким
образом) increasing (увеличивая) their chances of getting promotions or
excellent performance reviews (отличные результаты работы).
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