Page 23 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 23
Where do you work most frequently from at home? Your office? Your
kitchen table? The backyard? Your bed?
Can you give a tour of your office space?
Be honest, how often do you work from bed?
What does your morning routine look like when working from home?
Exercise 40. Watch the video 1.4 and answer the questions.
- I think my one skill is that I’ll outwork (буду работать лучше других)
anybody. You know, like, I’ll work harder especially (особенно) at that
age, right, where you know certainly (точно) starting out (начинаешь
карьеру). Like (типа), Ben and I were going to auditions
(прослушивание) where kids would be there with their parents. Like
(типа) their mom was making them go because their mom had some
unrealized (нереализованные) fantasy about doing it and was trying to
live it through (прожить через) the kid. Right, like, I’m gonna beat
(выиграю у/побью) that guy, I want it way more (намного больше) than
him, right. So, you start know.. and then as you get more
experience auditioning, you get better at (лучше получается) it and you
start really to get feedback (отзыв/ответ) from, you know. So, you while
it’s a total feast (пир) or famine (голод) business like you…like (типа)…
like (типа) a great example being Dead Poets Society (Сообщество
Мёртвых Поэтов - фильм), okay. Ben and I got close (сблизились) on
that. Right, we both auditioned, we both got called back (перезвонили),
we both…
- You did?
- Yeah and we read that and I was like (и я такой типа говорю) this is an
amazing movie. And I was probably (наверное) 17 or 18. We didn’t get
it, we ended up having the summer job of working at the Janis Theatre in
Harvard Square which doesn’t exist (существует) anymore but it played
one movie the entire (целое) summer. And, it was dead poets society
(Сообщество Мёртвых Поэтов). So, you go from the possibility
(возможности) of being in the movie because the guy tearing
(разрывающий) the ticket and watching people come out crying
(наблюдая, как люди выходят плача) because they’re so moved (они
так растрогались). Right (да), and watching Ethan Hawke can get
nominated for an Academy award (номинировали на Оскар), right.
And that’s like wow! That’s the range of possibility (ряд возможностей)
for you if you got into that business but having said that we did get called
back (нам таки перезвонили), right. So the business was telling us, hey,
you know, it didn’t work out (не получилось) this time but you’re doing
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