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closed door (в которой всё очень закрыто/консервативно). There is a very
little long-term memory (долгосрочная память/где мало что
запомнят/вспомнят в будущем). It’s much more immediate (больше
помнят о том, что происходит сейчас). Your currency’s (валюта)
something you really have to kind of work on in film quite fast (то, что вам
нужно очень быстро включаться в работу над фильмом), to a degree (в
какой-то степени). I’m saying this in a contra…Everything I’m saying tonight
is contradictable (может истолковываться по-разному/спорное). I know
that. But it’s just I guess that’s what a personal conversation (разговор) is
really, it’s just a point of view (точка зрения). Every time I say anything, I’m
thinking, but the opposite is also very true. That’s the kind of…Yeah, you’re
getting into my head. It’s gripping me (занимает меня/мои мысли). So, yeah,
I really, I was really lucky (повезло) to have just had a few breaks
(перерывов). Obviously with Sherlock, but also Tunker Tailor, and also with
Frankenstein, and being cast (был в актёрском составе) in War Horse. And
that all came at the same kind of point where (всё случилось сразу, когда)
were supposed to (должны были) be coming here to do this Broadway
production of After the Dance. Which might (может быть) still happen. Might
be a film. We don’t know. It might, there might be some life left in it. It was a
wonderful experience in London. But I felt that I’d had that experience there,
and selfishly (эгоистично), I wanted to make some capital out of this
momentum that was building (хотел заработать в тот самый момент,
когда всё закрутилось/начало получаться). And I’m glad I did because I got
Star Trek and 12 years a Slave and August: Osage County. Yeah, it worked
out well for me (всё сложилось удачно для меня). And it fit the state (как
раз подошло к тому состоянию дел на тот момент). So, I kind of, I was
very...I took a gamble and it paid off (я рискнул, и это окупилось).
Exercise 54. Put the verbs into the correct tenses.
*** According to the rumours, there (to be) an opening at Nova Poshta. (not to
worry)! I (to be) on it and (to find) out more details. I (to guess) they (to look)
for a goal-oriented and persuasive sales manager who (to be) willing (to
relocate) and (to work) 24/7. On one hand, it (to be) a brilliant opportunity for
Richard! However, he (to have to) (to brush) up his interview skills. What (to
be) he busy with these days? Hopefully, your sibling (to understand) the
importance of (to have) a full-time job. For instance, my neighbor Dillan (not
to have) a steady source of income, as he has always had some menial jobs. On
top of that, he (to be) notoriously known as a job hopper; hence, not a single
employer (to hire) him any time soon! Actually, nowadays more and more
persistent and diligent rookies (to research) common interview questions in
order (to impress) the HR managers in an interview. How many skills (to have)
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