Page 54 - DWN Regional Leader Handbook_Print (1)
P. 54
Although our members might not always
understand the difference, we run three different
types of events – two of which are nationally
organised and one which is organised locally at a
regional level. These events differ in how they are
developed and planned and together they form the
core of our work.
Nationally organised workshops
At Leadership Forum, our annual gathering for our
Regional Leaders, we run a brainstorming session on
where the gaps are in knowledge for farmers. This
helps us decide on our workshop’s topics keeping
them real and relevant.
Partner workshops
Our partners support our delivery of commitment
#5 of the Dairy Tomorrow Strategy and our purpose
in our Strategic Plan by providing the expertise for
workshops with learning outcomes aimed at filling
the gaps in our member’s knowledge.
DairyNZ workshops
In response to the brainstorming session at
Leadership Forum, we establish what topics you
as Regional Leaders feel need further education
and awareness. Two annual workshops funded by
DairyNZ are developed with relevant commercial
and industry partners and then these events are run
nationally throughout the regions.