Page 9 - ATKCM_30.04.15
P. 9
All the Kings Cliffe Men

Kings Cliffe’s contribution in context

In 1871 the loose confederation of 25 German states was
united into one nation by the Prussian leader Bismarck. This
brought a new major player into the European area and upset
the delicate balance of power. This uncertainty caused France
and Russia to form an alliance thus sandwiching the upstart
Germany between them.

Until the defeat of Napoleon, France had been the major land
power in Europe, but in 1870 Prussia defeated France who
ceded significant territory and wealth to them.

In 1914 the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Ferdinand,
was killed by a Serbian revolutionary, believed by the Austrians
to have been sponsored by Serbia itself.

Austro-Hungary decided to teach Serbia a lesson and declared

Russia came to the aid of its fellow Slav state, Serbia.
Germany countered Russian might against its’ ally Austria.
The French entered the fray to honour their agreement with Russia.

The Germans realising that they had a conflict on two fronts,
planned to attack France first and, having been emboldened by
their quick success in 1870, expected to be victorious in three –
four weeks. They thought it would take months for the Russians
to mobilise and by that time they could switch their armies to the
Eastern front.

So much for the best- laid plans!

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