Page 3 - The First 60 Days Magazine - October
P. 3
umans are biologically designed for
nurturing relationships. Babies are born
with a primary need to have someone
consistently care for and respond to
A newborn is completely dependent on
at least one relationship with another
person. Through the ideal situation of
having someone lovingly and
consistently respond to expressed needs
in a nurturing way, brain pathways for
optimal development are being created.
If an infant’s needs for touch, nutrition,
warmth, closeness and security are
responded to repeatedly, timely and
predictably in a caring way, this will
create the feelings of connection, safety
and trust that the rapidly developing
immature brain requires.
This is the essential beginning of a more
nurturing world ... and we ALL ultimately
benefit from the support of early
relational health of all babies.
"Early experiences play a vital role in
shaping a well-developed brain,
fostering both physical and mental
health, and allowing the unique
essence of a child’s heart to truly
By Deborah McNelis, M.Ed T H E F I R S T 6 0 D A Y S | 2