Page 6 - The First 60 Days Magazine - October
P. 6

G A I N I N G   &   S H A R I N G   K N O W L E D G E

                    SUPPORT RESOURCES

       BOOK                                                              BOOKLET

       The Blossom Method:                                                A
                                                                                 s an Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellow,
     The Revolutionary Way to                                          I believe this resource is exactly what every parent
     Communicate with Your                                             and professional working with young children should
           Baby from Birth                                             receive as a gift. I am confident the information

         By Vivien Sabel                                               provided in this booklet has the potential to
                                                                       significantly influence the trajectory of an infant’s life.
    “H ow to understand and
     communicate with a baby from                                        From:The First 60 Days Forward
      day one, leading to a happy,                                       by Jan Ference, BEd, MS, IPMHF
       settled baby and a strong
          parent-child bond

      Imagine how much easier life
    would be if you could talk to your
     baby and understand his or her
      emotions, needs, and wants.
      Here, body language expert
     Vivien Sabel explains to parents
      how to do just that, through
     learning their baby's nonverbal
       communications. With this
       groundbreaking technique
      parents can meet their baby's
      needs before he or she cries.
       They will discover how to
       understand a baby's body
      language and "tongue talking"
    signals; recognize when a baby is
     hungry, irritable, or ill; and help
     their infant feel understood and
    supported. All of this will result in
        less frustration and more
         parenting confidence.

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