Page 22 - January 2022
P. 22
Global Predictions........
The important challenging possibilities January 25-28: Social or political unrest
for January include: in Russia and/or China. Challenging
Jan 1 - Feb 22: A sudden change (either environment for the republican
positive or negative) in relationship lawmakers in the United States Congress.
between USA and Russia. However, at
the same time expect some magnificent The important auspicious possibilities for
advances in science and technology January include:
through innovations, inventions, and
discoveries. January 18-23: A positive period for
January 6-13: An outbreak of violence, religious leaders. Conservatives and
natural and man-made calamities, and to liberals in the United States will likely
some extent, war-like climate in some part find ways to compromise on sticky issues.
of the world. Tension between Israelis and Democrats and Republicans will agree on
Palestinians will likely continue. Some of more matters than the ones they disagree.
the east-European countries, Russia, and This is a good time to get those lingering
China may experience political as well as bills passed in U.S. Congress and Senates.
social turmoil. China and Russia are likely to experience
January 10-12: A sudden outbreak of some mild setbacks in their foreign
an undesirable happening and greater policies, especially the ones that deal with
possibilities of natural and man-made the United States.
disasters, especially in Russia, China and Jan 25 - Feb 2: An expansion of religious
in the Middle-East region. activities all around the world with new
January 12-18: Religions around the vigor and energy. Conservatives will likely
world are likely to face difficulties have upper hand over liberals. China and
in carrying out their activities; more Russia will possibly see some positive
controversies that test traditional moral developments occurring in social and
values are likely to occur, and in general, economic fields.
religious authorities will have difficulty in The countries that are more likely to
keeping people happy. be affected during this month are: The
January 21-23: Natural and man-made United States, Europe, Russia, China
calamities causing destruction and loss of and the Middle Eastern countries-
lives all over the world. Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and Palestine.