Page 26 - October 2021
P. 26


                Astrological Insights for October 2021

        Overview                                               world political landscape is likely to

                                                               drastically alter as some of the allied

        October is likely to bring some relief                 nations switch their partners.

        from the ongoing anxiety filled and
        stagnant atmosphere that we have been                  As far as Covid-19 related challenges are

        collectively experiencing for a long time              concerned, they are not likely to go away
        as three major planets become direct                   for, at least, until Saturn leaves sidereal
        during October. Pluto becomes direct on                Capricorn. Saturn first temporarily

        October 7th, Saturn on October 11th,                   leaves Capricorn during April 2022 but
        and Jupiter on October 18.  In addition,               then via its retrograde motion returns

        the retrograde Mercury becomes                         to Capricorn in July 2022 to remain in
        direct on October 19. The picture of                   Capricorn through the end of 2022.
        the slow pace of the economic growth

        and the stalled progress on economic                   Lastly, although it won’t intensify till
        and political activities in getting things             December, the manifestation of the

        accomplished is likely to change to a new              energy of the Pluto-Uranus square will
        brisk period reflecting the beginning                  slowly likely to be reflected in rising
        of a period with a new set of priorities.              violence, higher frequency of the

        The world financial markets are likely                 occurrence of natural and man-made
        to witness very high volatility, and the               calamities, and the period filled with fear
                                                               and uncertainties.

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