Page 28 - October 2021
P. 28
Global Predictions........
The important challenging possibilities Oct 2-26: An outbreak of violence and
for October include: terrorist activities in the Middle east,
Aug 8 - Oct 4: A unique change in the especially in Syria, Afghanistan, Israel, and
way the current US administration deals Palestine region. Also, the occurrences of
with other nations with respect to its natural as well as man-made calamities are
international agenda, and also with its more likely during this period. Some of
domestic matters. (This has been clearly the east-European countries, Russia, and
reflected in current Afghanistan crisis- China may experience political as well as
-getting Americans out of Afghanistan social turmoil.
safely, and providing the asylum to the Oct 5-7: Natural and man-made
frightened Afghans, especially girls and calamities around the world, especially in
women, also some quick flip flopping of the United States of America.
the CDC guidelines for the third booster Oct 8-22: A social or political turmoil
covid-19 shot, and change in strategy to in USA, Russia, and China as well as
deal with the migrants at the border etc.). tensions rising among these nations.
Thus, there has been a transformation Oct 16-17: An outbreak of covert
of a political strategy that has become activities among leading nations and
responsible of a change in the current possibilities of both natural and man-
political agenda, and foreign policy matters made challenges all around the world.
of the Biden administration as the planet
Pluto with its tremendous energy has a The important auspicious possibilities
power of irreversibly transform the field of for October include:
politics to a new level or setting with a new Sept 8 - Oct 3: A positive period for
set of norms. Expect some more serious Russia and China. Also, most of the
issues that the Biden administration technological areas are likely to make
continues to get tangled with. significant progress via inventions and
Sept 26 - Oct 8: A new wave of violence discoveries. Spiritual and religious
in Afghanistan, Syria, Israel, and Palestine activities are likely to impart positive
region, as well as outbreak of terrorism energy and create a very healthy
around the world during these days. atmosphere around us.
Oct 1 - Nov 13: A difficult period for the The countries that are more likely to
United States, and for the Republican be affected during this month are: The
Party and republicans in particular. Also, United States, Russia, China and the
USA and China might go through a Middle Eastern countries-Afghanistan,
crisis during this period. Israel and Palestine.