Page 29 - October 2021
P. 29

Planetary Energies for Individuals

        Uranus-Rahu ninefold opposition                        charts. Typically, this quincunx is very
        (and Uranus/Ketu conjunction)  (Oct                    unfavorable from the point of view of

        1 - Nov 13)                                            being deceived or becoming victim of
        If in your birth chart Uranus is in the                a scam or scheme. Usually, one does
        direct opposition with the lunar node                  not notice problems until it’s too late.

        Rahu, and if any one of these two                      For those who have such quincunx,
        planets are active now via your Gochar                 opposition, or conjunction in their birth

        (transit) chart, then you might want                   charts, and if they have any one of these
        to consider taking extra precautions                   planets influencing them through the
        in your professional and financial                     current progressive cycle need to be

        areas during this period. Staying low                  on guard and absolutely not take any
        key is certainly the way to go.  This                  risk whatsoever. Stay very low key and

        opposition can become dangerous, and                   do not make any new commitment.
        can potentially ruin your plans and                    Also, unwanted experiences involving
        bring about the unexpected disaster                    external forces, such as ghost or spirit,

        in many ways.  In short, during this                   or a victim of a voodoo experiment are
        period you are tested. If you have very                very possible.

        strong and positively placed lunar nodes
        and Uranus in your birth chart, then                   Jagdish Maheshri
        perhaps you need not worry.                            Professional Vedic Astrologer

                                                               For more information about services and
        Mars-Neptune Quincunx (Oct 16-17)                      classes, please visit

        This short period is likely to be very       
        frustrating for those who have Mars-
        Neptune opposition, quincunx,                              Schedule a personal consultation

        square, or conjunction in their natal

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