Page 3 - October 2022
P. 3

From the


        Let’s welcome October, dear friends! I would also like to attract your attention
                                                               to a cool event we highlight on page

        Finally, it feels like autumn here in                  21. Petrene Soames, a psychic and
        Houston, TX where I live. Cooler                       healer, continues to offer a generous
        temperatures, the beauty of “dressed up”               opportunity to Zoom meet with her

        trees invite us for longer walks and stirs             every Monday and Thursday in October.
        a magical sense of approaching holidays.  Vedic Astrologer Jagdish Maheshri

        Life continues its path forward despite of  shares his astrological insights which
        all painful transformations and sudden                 help us navigate our lives and make sense
        shifts happening all over the world.                   of the current events.

        Here is our October edition. I want to                 Read our article about pumpkins – it is

        highlight a couple of things which will                a great plant, indeed! Challenge of the
        make the navigation of this edition                    Month gives you good reasons to get rid
        easier.  The Shadow Work series is taking  of non-stick cookware. Very insightful

        you further into the human psyche and                  video is on page 32.
        explains why we love who we love. I find

        reading Rebeca Eigen’s articles liberating.  If you like what we do, please consider a
                                                               paid subscription – it is $18 a year.
        The article on curses will re-confirm how

        powerful our mind is whichever way we                  Thank you for your support! I always
        prefer to use it – good or bad.                        welcome your comments, questions, and

        I invite you to listen to the podcast of
        Anton Czachor. His guest is an amazing                 Happy October,

        artist and healer. Truly one of a kind - we
        don’t meet people like this very often.                Katerina

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