Page 8 - October 2022
P. 8

Projection is natural, we all do it. Even              human being. Robert Johnson, in
        if it lands on someone and we marry                    his book, We, Understanding the

        them, eventually consciousness enters                  Psychology in Romantic Love says,
        the picture and this highly unconscious,

        delicious state will end. No one can                   “Though no one notices at the time,
        carry our projections forever. Becoming  in-loveless obliterates the humanity
        aware of our opposites is a                                              of the beloved. One
        lifetime work. No one does  When we’re falling in                        does a curious kind

        it overnight, and no one               love, we’re actually              of insult to another

        does it in one relationship             putting part of our              by falling in love
        even. Yet, all relationships                                             with him, for we
        begin this way as that is              soul (our own inner               are really looking at

        the only way to recognize                beloved) on that                our own projection
        that inner and outer are                        person.                  of God, not at the

        really one unified organism.                                             other person. If
        I remind you all of the Hermetic,                      two people are in love, they tread
        Alchemical dictum, “As Above so below,                 on star dust for a time and live

        as within, so without.”                                happily ever after — that is so long
                                                               as the experience of divinity has

        When we are separated from these                       obliterated time for them. Only
        contrasexual images, we will feel what                 when they come down to earth
        primitives called a LOSS of SOUL.                      do they have to look at each other

        Because the carrier of the projection                  realistically and only then does the
        has our ‘soul,’ and if the relationship                possibility of mature love exist.”

        is not maintained or doesn’t work
        out, we are still looking for that one                 Robert Johnson also says that
        special person to complete us. At the                  romantic love is narcissistic in

        beginning, it is quite compelling as                   that we are seeking a projected
        we all put on our rose-colored glasses.                image of ourselves, and it will

        But, as St. Paul says, “we see through a               eventually end with varying
        mirror darkly.” This idealization we all               degrees of animosity. There is no
        experience in the beginning, is actually               perfect person out there who

        a defense mechanism that keeps us                      will magically fulfill our every
        from differentiating from our partners                 fantasy and only a child expects

        as what we are seeking in romantic love                perfection. Relating as an adult,
        unbeknownst to us is oneness with God.  we learn to compromise and
        We are seeking the transcendence in a                  accept some of the unacceptable

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