Page 9 - October 2022
P. 9

in others. We learn tolerance and                  analyzing every fascination, extract from
             compassion for our idiosyncrasies,                 it a portion of our own personality, like a

             mistakes of others because we will                quintessence, and slowly come to recognize
             find out sooner or later that we                    that we meet ourselves time and again in

             cannot make Gods and Goddesses                     a thousand different disguises on the path
             out of real people. My teacher, J.                                       of life.”
             Pittman McGehee says, “Some people  —Carl Jung, The Practice of

             are serial projectionists and will just           Psychotherapy, The Psychology of the
             keep going from person to person,”                Transference, paragraph 534

             because it is hard to see each other’s
             shadow. When the projections do fall  If we don’t see these people as a part
             off, then both have an opportunity                of us, then, yes, we are going to suffer

             to love a real human being, and this              at their hands because we don’t realize
             takes maturity and consciousness.                 we’ve projected our own divinity onto

                                                               them. They represent our unconscious
             “Both of them are unconscious powers,  Anima, Animus or shadow. To the degree
                “gods” in fact, as the ancient world           we are unable to see exactly what part

              quite rightly conceived them to be. To  of us they represent, it becomes very
              call them by this name is to give them  painful when we try to distance or

                that central position in the scale of          separate from them because we need
             psychological values which has always  and crave that part. We’ll feel like a part
                been theirs whether consciously or             of us has died when they leave us. The

               unconsciously acknowledged or not,              emotional pain is agonizing.
               for their power grows in proportion

                  to the degree that they remain               Another dilemma in relationships is
               unconscious. Those who do not see               if you are involved with a person who
                them are in their hands, just as a             can’t ever say they are sorry, or they have

              typhus epidemic flourishes best when  major issues. Everyone must learn to
                     its source is undiscovered.”              admit mistakes and say out loud, “I am

             —Carl Jung, AION, Research into the  sorry,” since no one is right or behaves
             Phenomenology of the Self, paragraph  perfectly all the time. What if you say
             41                                                something to your partner when they

                                                               do something you don’t like, something
             And …                                             that was clearly disrespectful to you,

                                                               that crossed your boundaries. You tell
              “Unless we prefer to be made fools by  them your feelings and ask them to not
                our illusions, we shall, by carefully          do it again. Then they do it again and

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