Page 14 - October 2022
P. 14

“Tears, sorrow and disappointment are
          bitter, but wisdom is the comforter in all

           psychic suffering. Indeed, bitterness and
         wisdom form a pair of alternatives: where

          there is bitterness wisdom is lacking, and
        where wisdom is there can be no bitterness.”
           - Carl Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis,

                         paragraph 330

        When there is no longer a state of
        oneness or symbiosis, we find out we
        are indeed separate human beings and

        that blissful state of unity is gone. But
        if we value friendship, then we will not

        be so disappointed. We don’t expect our
        friends to be exactly like us, then why
        do we expect that from our partners?

        They’re not going to be exactly like us.
        And yes, the feeling of “being in-love“

        will go away. But the love that replaces
        that unconscious unity is much more
        soul satisfying because it’s based on

        who each person actually is as a unique
        human being. There is much more

        tolerance and acceptance for someone
        we truly love as opposed to a person we
        are “madly in-love” with.

        Wholeness, which is what we are all

        striving for is an intra-psychic process,
        so we need each other to see the
        mirror of our hidden selves (shadow,

        anima, animus). If we are willing to
        see the characteristics within us that

        our partners represented, we may find
        out the relationship we are in now or
        those that didn’t work were indeed

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