Page 17 - October 2022
P. 17

Whether a thought is actually                           negative thoughts, words, and actions.

        materialized, however, depends on                       Doesn’t it stand to reason that our
        how much concentrated focus it is                       negative thoughts would be as powerful
        given. Methodologies like the Power                     as our positive thoughts?

        of Positive Thinking, Visualization, the
        Law of Attraction, and even The Golden                  In Buddhist teachings, the three

        Rule have taught us that concentrated                   “Poisons of Mind” that are most apt to
        focus on positive thoughts, words, and                  create, sustain, and perpetuate negative
        actions will bring happiness, wealth,                   thoughts, words, and actions are

        and prosperity to our life and to others.               Anger, Greed, and Ignorance.  Jealousy
        While this is true, we must be mindful                  and Pride fall under that category,

        of the pernicious power of the negative                 as well. If harbored and stoked, any
        thoughts that crop into our minds and                   of these poisons can amass enough
        weed them out before they can become a                  energy to wreak havoc in a very

        curse on us or the people around us.                    tangible way, cursing both the person

                                                                harboring the poison and the object of
              The Poisons of the Mind                           his or her wrath.

        Imagine what would happen if we
        reversed the Power of Positive Thinking                 How do we protect against the potential
        to wish unhappiness on others using                     destruction of these poisons, then? Let’s

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