Page 15 - October 2022
P. 15

transformative. To do this, we have to
                                                               give up blame. We must see and own our

                                                               own shadow. So yes, through love, loss
                                                               and conflict, we have an opportunity to

                                                               become more conscious than we were
                                                               before. This is not easy, and it’s not done
                                                               overnight so yet again I say, we must be

                                                               patient with ourselves.

                                                               As more of our split-off parts get united,
                                                               we head towards wholeness. This is
                                                               the coveted jewel, the pearl of great

                                                               price — the wholeness we really seek.
                                                               To successfully navigate this goal, we

                                                               must take the risk of vulnerability and
                                                               authenticity by telling each other the
                                                               truth. Aquarius rules freedom and truth.

                                                               If we can’t do that, we will never achieve
                                                               the sacred marriage to ourselves. The


                                                               So as Lee Ann Womack says in her song,

                                                               “When you get the choice to sit it out or
                                                               dance — I hope you’ll dance!”

                                                               To be continued …

                                                               Rebeca Eigen

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