Page 10 - October 2022
P. 10

again. That person can be exhibiting                   our own mistakes and weaknesses to

        unconscious passive aggressive behavior,  each other and make a sincere effort
        and you are not going to change that                   to change. It is helpful if we can both
        person. They have to do their own work                 recognize when we are polarizing with

        and we can’t save or fix people. They have  each other. When partners start acting
        to want to look at themselves and their                out two huge extremes, it can become

        own behavior.                                          very uncomfortable and does not work.
                                                               It’s balance that works. Talk to your
        There are also other personality                       partner. Tell them you want to meet

        disorders, and those too can be difficult              them halfway.
        to deal with when an individual has

        not yet developed a strong enough ego.                 A friend told me a story last week about
        Jung says we cannot admit fault and                    how she meets a previous boyfriend once
        give up our prideful ego responses to                  a year for lunch and that he recently told

        confrontation when we have a weak                      her that She was the one that got away,
        ego. It takes ego strength to muster                   and he could never forget her. They are

        up the courage to vulnerably admit                     both, of course, married to two imperfect

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