Page 13 - October 2022
P. 13

So, what could be projected into                    Hitting below the belt, irritable and

                      the unconscious?                         quarrelsome, creating nasty scenes, this

        The opposite sign of Libra is Aries, which             can become the battered wife or battered
        is ruled by the planet of action, Mars.                husband syndrome. Aggressive and
        Aries can be selfish, anti-social and angrily          passive aggressive behavior between

        self-centered when frustrations arise.                 partners may also project cowardice or
        Combative and impatient, they will even                weakness, therefore they are fighting

        pick fights, especially if you do not accept           with a disowned part of the self. Keep
        your own Mars. We must all learn to stand              in mind that when Libra disowns Mars,
        up for ourselves! They are a vivid picture             they can be deliberately provoking the

        of what Libra avoids, which is conflict.               partner to act it out unconsciously.
        Do you find yourself being the opposite?

        Passive aggressive. Not doing what they                Although Aries are sexy, dynamic, and
        ask you do, or doing it deliberately slowly –          energetic people, they can also be selfish
        well, then you have to admit you are angry             sexually, rushing the physical part of the

        too! So, say so. “I don’t want to do that,” or         relationship so there is an immaturity in
        “I don’t like it when you do this or that”…            relating. In getting passionately involved

        fill in the blanks. Healthy anger expressed            quickly, these ill-considered adventures
        honestly can contribute to keeping things              can burn themselves out and leave
        between you clean. Unexpressed anger can               feelings of animosity between partners

        become rage.                                           when the relationship is over.
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