Page 10 - October 2024
P. 10
Close Encounters
of the Healing Kind
I went to sleep thinking about what I codependence can be. Individuation as
would write about today. As I often do, I Carl Jung describes:
asked my inner Self for any help on what
to write about. Usually, I wake up with “In general, it is the process of forming
clear guidance and proceed. Today, I woke and specializing the individual nature;
up to the phone ringing as a dear friend in particular, it is the development of the
was calling me. We talked for about 45 psychological individual as a differentiated
minutes, and it was like a therapy session. being from the general, collective psychology.
For fifteen years we have taken turns Individuation, therefore, is a process of
being supportive of each other. We tell differentiation, having for its goal the
each other the uncensored truth of what development of the individual personality.”
is occurring in our lives, both positive and —Carl Jung, Psychological Types, par 757
negative. If one or the other of us has an
emergency, we make time no matter how We want to know ourselves.
busy we are in our own lives.
We all want to become the individual we
Our conversations revolve around came here to be. Self-knowledge occurs
important relationship issues, spiritual over a long period of time as we accept
insights, shadow work or dreams we our many selves which is the arduous
have just experienced when we get an work of coming to terms with our ego
AHA moment. Today the conversation and what resides in our unconscious.
crystallized into one of those moments. Our Astrological birth chart is helpful
The entire conversation was centered to us when seeing a therapist or Jungian
around the importance of being radically analyst is not in our budget, but it is also
honest with each other and ourselves. vitally important to have a friend, a trusted
We express our love and affection for confidant who knows everything about
each other openly and are in constant you and loves you anyway! My friend
gratitude for our bond of friendship. understands what I am called to teach,
We do not take each other for granted studies and uses Jungian concepts in her
and yet, we are not codependent either. own life. She has been doing shadow work
I learned from a previous relationship along with me since we met. Consequently,
how damaging to our individuation that we hold each other to a higher standard of