Page 12 - October 2024
P. 12
resisting change. I have an agreement hear yourself speak out loud what has been
I made long ago with God. If I am not ruminating inside your heart and mind.
seeing something, show it to me three Sometimes just in speaking and telling
times and I promise I will pay attention. your story, you will hear your inner voice
saying things to you that help you process
Just days before his death, Carl Jung put the unvarnished truth. If an individual
it this way, “To this day, God is the name stays barricaded by a persona of “I already
by which I designate all things which cross know it all” or “I don’t want anyone to
my willful path violently and recklessly, all know what I am really feeling or thinking,”
things which upset my subjective views, the soul itself feels isolated and can go into
plans and intentions and change the a state of despair, hopelessness and yes,
course of my life for better or worse.” even thoughts of ending it all as one of my
—Good Housekeeping Magazine, clients said to me recently.
December, 1961
Life is about change.
Depth psychology concepts like shadow
work and seeing our complexes are NOT The only thing I am 100% sure of is that
ego enhancing. In fact, they are the exact everything changes all the time. Give
opposite. It’s akin to a confession with a yourself the chance to love all of yourself,
priest to be that open and revealing to the dark (shadow) and the light (divinity)
another person, but even better as this and share with someone you trust. This
person has history with you. They’ve authenticity leads us to participate more
seen you at your best and they’ve seen fully in life and experience what the
you at your worst and love the real you. alchemists called the Gold — which is our
You know without a doubt because they open heart.
have demonstrated it year after year.
When they say anything to you, it is not Rebeca Eigan
with the intention to hurt you as they
have your back. You are free to reveal
what my teacher Rev. Pittman McGehee,
D.D. called the four Fs of intimacy. Fears,
failures, fantasies and feelings.
Another very important part of this open
and honest discourse is that you get to
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