Page 27 - October 2024
P. 27
Cinnamon Chai
Here’s a delightful Cinnamon Chai recipe, perfect for cozy mornings or
afternoons! It’s spiced, aromatic, and easy to make.
Ingredients: Add the loose black tea (or tea bags) to
2 cups water the simmering water and let it steep for
1 cup milk (whole or plant-based) 3-5 minutes, depending on how strong
2 tsp loose black tea (or 2 black tea bags) you like your tea.
2-inch piece of cinnamon stick (or 1 tsp
ground cinnamon) Pour in the milk and increase the heat
4-5 cardamom pods, slightly crushed slightly, allowing the chai to come to a
4-5 whole cloves gentle boil. Stir occasionally to prevent it
1-inch piece of fresh ginger, sliced from boiling over.
1-2 tbsp sugar or honey (to taste)
Add sugar or honey to taste, stirring to
Instructions: dissolve. You can adjust the sweetness
Simmer the spices: In a small pot, depending on your preference.
bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Add the
cinnamon stick, cardamom pods, cloves, Strain and serve: Strain the chai into cups
and ginger. Reduce the heat to low and using a fine mesh strainer to remove the
simmer the spices for about 5-7 minutes tea leaves and spices.
to extract the flavors.
Enjoy! 27